Deprive {Shigaraki}

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Dabi laughed at Shigaraki's sad expression "Deprive her." "Huh?" "Your giving her to much power in the relationship, running to get everything she wants everytime she wants it wont make her respect you, act like shes not even there and when she comes crawling to you, you've won." Shigaraki thought that was horrible to do to someone as sweet as you but Dabi's darling does behave so maybe its worth a try. 

He walked into his room to see you sitting on his bed playing his game, you've been with him for months now and are no longer afraid since you know he won't hurt you "Hey Shiggy could you please bring me a drink?" "Fuck off bitch." You looked up to see him looking at you with utter disgust and it made your stomach drop, what did you do? "S-sorry?" "You should be." He walked out leaving you there confused and, hurt? For the next who month he acted as if you weren't there as if he didn't force you to be there. 

You were laying on the bed facing the wall as he sat next to the opposite side of the bed playing his game. You sighed turning over "Tomura come to bed." "No. If your tired just go to sleep." You pouted "I wanna cuddle!" He hid his smile ignoring your little outburst, when you didn't get anywhere with the tantrum you huffed standing up and walking over to his side of the bed. You moved his arms and plopped down onto his lap. He let himself smile this time giving you a quick peck on the forehead before going back to his game, he needs to remember to thank Dabi tomorrow.

(287 Words)

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