Hot Stuff {Dabi}

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You were watching an old movie with Dabi head in his lap as he played in your hair. You cant help but remember how the two of you met not a few months before,

You were in the bathroom brushing your teeth when you heard the window shatter. You walked into your bedroom to see a burned up man laying flat against the wall under the window "Who are-" He shushed you and not a few minutes later a few cops ran past "He went that way!" When they were gone he stood "Nice to meet you but I better get goi-" You grabbed him and pulled him into the bathroom with you shutting the door "Are you trying to di-" You slapped a hand over his mouth.

A second later you heard a voice "Guys this window's broken! Anyone home!?" You slipped out the bathroom closing the door behind you "Yes, can I help you officer?" "Everything ok?" "Yup, you know how kids and baseball go i'll fix it tomorrow, have a nice night officer." He nodded "You too ma'am." When he was fully gone you opened the bathroom door "Wow nice save hot stuff."

And now he comes over almost everyday. He stopped rubbing your head so you looked up at him "Your an idiot." You gave him a pout "How so?" "Im a serial killer and you not only hid me from the police but now I have a key to your house." "Are you gonna kill me?" "No." "Then shut up and rub my head again." He  laughed "I could just throw you over my shoulder and bring you home and you could do nothing about it." You laughed as he stood slinging you over house shoulder and started walking.

Assuming it was a joke you giggled "Oh no." When he opened the door you stopped and gave a nervous laugh "Alright Dabi lets go back in the movies getting good." He didn't respond just kept walking and you got more worried "Dabi, come on jokes over its not funny anymore." You started struggling but he lit his hand up "Uh, uh, uh I wouldn't do that if I was you, just sit tight hot stuff were almost home."

(465 Words)

Requested by: Nishinoya_Simp

😂So theres this 'your first character you simped for vs your newest one fighting over you' trend and I hate it because I clearly have a type!

Like first ever(Leave me alone I was a baby):

Like first ever(Leave me alone I was a baby):

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And most recent:

Who gonna tell Mic he lost 🤭  Also whats yours?

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Who gonna tell Mic he lost 🤭  Also whats yours?

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