Healer {Shigaraki vs. Aizawa}

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You know its illegal in many ways and you could face deep shit if caught but you can't just stand by and watch people suffer. Your an underground healer, your quirk speeds up the healing process without much consequence to you or your patient. You have no bias in all honesty hero, villain, vigilante, citizen its all the same to you as long as they dont report you. You've helped many, some come once and never again and others are regulars. Like tonight you were sitting on your couch eating chicken noodle soup because your feeling a bit sick when a knock comes at the door.

You stood and carefully opened the door to find one of your regulars, Tomura Shigaraki, bloody and beaten. You sat him in a dinner table chair before grabbing his arms, your eyes started glowing white as his injuries begin a very speed up healing process. Once it was over you fell back onto the chair next to him your sickness making your quirks draw back of losing a little energy a lot harder on your body. Another knock came but you couldn't will yourself out the chair "Come in!" Another regular, Eraserhead, opened the door holding a bag from your favorite restaurant looking almost as bad as Shigaraki. Before you could stand to greet him and remind him you dont accept payment of any kind including food his capture weapon was wrapped around you and yanked you across the apartment and into his arm as both men took a fighting stance.

"Shigaraki-" Before the two could do anything you screamed "Nope! You both better stand down!" Aizawa gave you a confused look "You both know my rules! No telling and no fighting!" Aizawa rolled his eyes as he carried you back to your chair giving Shigaraki a look but saying nothing. You grabbed onto Aizawa's arms and activated your quirk once more, once he was healed your eyes rolled back and you started falling face first. Aizawa caught you and carefully picked you up, he tucked you in and came back into the living room to find Shigaraki cleaning up a bit. They both quietly exited making sure to lock the door after.

Aizawa turned to Shigaraki "Leave and never come back." Shigaraki scoffed "Or what? Doesn't UA have that old hag to heal- Oh I get it, does the little hero have a crush?" Aizawa sneered at him "Stay away from my F/n." "Your F/n? I should decay you were you stand for saying something so stupid." Aizawa smirked grabbing his capture weapon "You can try."

(500 Words)

I wanna try something different so... you guys get to vote on who wins this time! Comment any emoji just once on the line of the one you want to win and i'll tally it when voting is over tomorrow {the 7th} at 5 AM, {Any vote after that will not be counted, sorry}

🖤Aizawa Wins🖤 

💙Shigaraki Wins💙

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