Childhood {AFO}

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For as far back as you can remember you've been friends with the Shigaraki siblings, long before any of your quirks developed it was just the three of you reading comics and running around in the back garden. You three grew up together and soon puberty hit, of course AFO cant be blamed hes known you his whole life and you've always been pretty, smart, funny, strong, and talented. So of course he had the biggest crush on you but he was worried about... other things, at the moment. His little brother though had all the time in the world to bring you to the places you loved and listen why you talked about your day.

It still came as a huge shock when his little brother threw his door open late one night "She said yes!" "Who said yes to what?" He flopped onto his bed "F/n! We're dating!" He smiled but his eyes were full of rage and sadness "Thats great lil bro!" It was time to put his plan into action, show you who you really should have chosen.

Its been about two years since the rebellion against AFO's reign started and its drendling everyday, it started with many people but it now down to a handful. You walked in clothing torn and slash across your face still bleeding "Hey where's everyone at?" One of your lovers followers looked over to you "Sorry to say Shigaraki-san but we've lost a whole crew while you were out." Your shoulders slumped "Of course, please stay safe everyone, and where is my-" You were cut off by him coming over and wrapping you in a hug "Im sorry." "For?" "Im going to him, face to face, this ends now." 

Your eyes widened "No! I wont allow it, as your second in command, as your fiance I can't let you." He kissed your forehead with a chuckle "You always try and protect me, its my turn now." He walked out the building, as if you weren't going to follow him. "Please go back home F/n, our people still need someone to lead them." "I told you when we started this rebellion, if we go down its gonna be together. Does till death do us part mean nothing to you?" He sighed but you could hear the smile in his tone "Always so stubborn." You smiled back "You love it."   

That would be the last time you smiled.

Your lover was crawling towards your hiding spot he had forced you into, he pulled you down and planted a passionate kiss on your lips "Go, dont let me die in vain." "Im sorry, I promise I won't." And with that you took off, with OFA as he called it. You found a man that reminded you of your lost lover and so he was chosen and you stayed with him teaching him the words and beliefs of your lover. Then the next user 'inherited' you along with the quirk and soon the third then the fourth.

You were sitting under a tree watching him train "If you dont mind me asking sensei, you've been around for a while and still look young, how is that?" You laughed but it was never genuine "My quirk is called immortality, i'll only die if im killed old age can't get this warrior." He laughed before the entire ground began to shake "Master?" You were quickly next to him "How are you feeling?" "My quirk is telling me this is really bad." 

"Get out of here Shinomori, run and dont look back

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"Get out of here Shinomori, run and dont look back." "But master you cant-" "He wont die in vain now go!" He nodded as he took off quirk fully activated but the beast didn't even look his way, he grabbed you "Master will be happy!" You struggled to be free but he just kept walking as if you weren't hitting him with all you had. After a bit you were put down and a man on each side of you grabbed you "Mrs. Shigaraki are you alright?" "He didn't hurt you did he?" 

You struggled for freedom but they dragged you inside the building and into a dark room, they tossed you in closing the door behind you. You stood as a light came on "Hello my dear~"

 You stood as a light came on "Hello my dear~"

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You stood "Hello All For One." He frowned "No need for such honorifics, its just us." "Thats the problem." "I dont think its a problem, I feel very happy to have you back after all these years. So happy in fact i'll forgive you for everything you've done." "Ive done!? You enslaved people, forced a quirk on your brother, tried to take over Japan, and you killed the only person who ever brought me happiness in this god forsaken world!"

He frowned "I remember bring you plenty of happiness back in our day." "Yeah well those days are over, your nothing but a monster." His smile returned "Well im sure you'll grow to love this 'monster'."

(874 Words)

Requested by: FuntimeWolfie13

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