Arranged {Teen Natsou}

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Natsou threw his bookbag when he entered his room, hes done everything Touya told him to do and you still rejected him!? A knock came at his door "Go away Fuyumi." "Its Touya." He sighed "Even if I say go away you'll still come in." Touya swung the door open "Yup, so how did it go?" He pouted "She rejected me, thanks for the advice asshat." Touya took out a cigarette and used his quirk to light it "Alright plan B." "And whats that kidnap her?" He laughed before sharply pointing his thumb to Endeavors study "Arranged marriage." 

Natsou gave him a look "I've talked to dad maybe twice in my life, why would he arrange a marriage for a nobody like me?" Touya blew out a huge puff of smoke before throwing the cigarette on the ground and rubbing it out "Whats this chicks quirk?" "Flame puppets, she can make fire into different shapes." "And whats your quirk?" "Ice- Oh! Thanks man I owe you!" He ran to his father's office and took a deep breath before knocking "...Come in." 

He opened the door and Endeavor looked over "Spit it ou-" "I want you to arrange a marriage for me."  Endeavor put his pen down giving Natsou his full attention "And why should I do that?" "As a backup plan, think about it dad Touya cant handle his quirk and me and Fuyumi have ice so the baby in moms belly might be an ice type or like Touya. But if you arrange a marriage for me and L/n, who has a fire type quirk, our child might be the one to have the quirk you want sure its not your kid but its your grandkid who you trained." Endeavor nodded along to his explanation and once he was done he stood walking out as he past Natsou he nodded "I'll see what I can do."

(322 Words)

Requested by: BrokenBella890 

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