Den 2 {EraserMic}

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Its been two hours since they both left, Mic went on his weekly shopping trip to town and Aizawa went on a hunt, and you've finally wedged the stick under the rock Aizawa uses as a door. You pushed down with all your might and the rock moved just enough for you to slip behind it. You crawled through the tunnel and the second you were out you took off running. You have no idea were you are, you were riding on Aizawa's back and paying attention to a talking Mic so you didn't see any landmarks, you really hope your running in the right direction  

You were running full speed when you suddenly hit something solid and fell back panting "Are you ok?" You looked up to see a tall built man with blond hair and a cheesy all to wide grin. "No!" You jumped up and grabbed his shirt "A werewolf kidnapped me!" Once you relized what you said you were sure this man was gonna think your crazy, a dirty barefoot rugged girl screaming about a werewolf. The man smiled "I found her!" He pulled you into a hug and you tensed "H-huh?" He put you down as his smile grew wider "Your missing posters are everywhere, not to mention a bounty is on the wolf's head for killing livestock. Two birds one stone."

You nodded "So you know how to get to my village?! You'll take me home!?" He nodded "Course dear, first though where is that wolf's den?" You pointed "A few that way! Hes hunting right now though." He nodded before patting your back to walk ahead of him "Go that way." He started walking behind you as you talked about how thankful you are to go home, suddenly you heard a gun cock "Sorry dear, I need bait for that beast." You froze but a commotion behind you caused you to turn. You caught the end of Aizawa tackling on the man and rolling down the hill with him.

You heard a gunshot and quickly started running down the hill, you slipped and fell a few feet away from Aizawa who was looming over the man, paws trapping the man's arms to the ground. Aizawa's black fur was moved a bit on his shoulder and you saw a bleeding wound were the bullet grazed him.

"̶͖̈̽T̸̯͂͘o̷̹̠̊ȕ̴̺̊c̶͈͆̎h̷̼̾̔ ̴̥͍͗m̶̪̀y̷̦̽̍ ̶͍͂F̶̧̫͒/̵͙̖̆͝n̵̻̈͘ ̴̼̲͌a̸̤͘n̸͎͐͆ͅd̵̮̅ ̴͚̌̕t̵̲͆̀h̴̨̩̐e̶̡̅̑y̷̡̏ ̸͇̞͊ẉ̷̞̔͝ŏ̵̩͍n̸̨̂͂'̵̗̏̇t̴͇̠̎͝ ̷̖̍̂é̵̳̕v̸̗͆e̶͕̖͋ň̶̬̘̈ ̴̱̖͆f̷̰͊ì̶̦n̵̮̦̐̉d̸̝̻̓̈́ ̷̢̃ͅỵ̴͠ö̷̞́ṵ̶͂̇ṟ̵̈́͘ ̸̕͘͜b̴̭͆o̵̞̻̊̑n̵̛͎̋ẽ̶̦s̸̥̣͛!̶͎̩̍̍"̸̛͓

Aizawa opened his jaws wide over the man's neck and you curled into yourself closing your eyes and covering your ears. After a bit you felt something nudge you, you unwrapped to see Aizawa staring down at you angrily "Im sorry." He sighed laying down so you could climb onto his back "But your shoul-" "Get on F/n." You scrambled to your feet and got onto his back, he ran all the way back to the den. He put you down and went to lay in the whole, he howled when you put the cotton ball with alcohol on it on the wound. He growled and snapped at you but you only popped him on the nose "Stop whining, its only cleaning the it so it doesn't get infected big baby."

He pouted but he let you clean and bandage him up, once you were done he pulled you onto his chest "Take nap, everything else can wait." "Alright... night Sho." 

(565 Words)

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