I Love You {Midnight x Mic}

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You were sitting on the couch trying to ignore them and their chatters when Mic bent down to be face to face with you "Songbird we asked you a question." He was smiling but you know hes annoyed you were ignoring them, hes been annoyed since he came home your not to sure what happened at UA but it really pissed him off, "Huh?" "We asked how you felt about kids." Your stomach turned and your lunch ran to your throat, Midnight chipped in "Babies are so cute! Little hands and that adorable laugh! Oh Zashi I want one so bad!"

You already know Midnight's body is one of the most important things to her for her career and herself so what you believe she meant was she wanted you to have one for her. Mic reached for you seeing how pale you had gotten but you basically pounced knocking him to the floor. You got one good punch in before the shock wore off and he grabbed you flipping you both so that he was pinning you on your back hands being held above your head. Midnight finally got to the two of you and cupped her hand over your nose and mouth and activated her quirk knocking you out.

You woke up what couldn't have been more than a few minutes since Midnight didn't use much of her quirk's strength.  You then felt something being wrapped around your throbbing knuckles, your eyes finally cleared and you saw Mic bandaging your knuckles, in complete silence, it was kinda scary since you've never seen Mic without some kind of sound going on whether that be background music or humming. "...Hizashi?" He didn't even look up at you which was weird since once you scraped your knee and he coddled you the whole day. When your hand was done he just up and left and you couldn't put a finger on the heavy feeling in your heart.   

You slowly stood and made your way to the kitchen where you heard Midnight talking, you didn't walk in just leaned a bit into the doorway to hear, Midnight was at the freezer and Mic was sitting on a chair both backs turned to you "Its just a bump in the road, im sure this will pass soon." Mic didn't say anything as Midnight kissed his eye that was slowly but surely turning black before giving him an ice pack "Should we go get her we can talk over dinner." Mic finally spoke "No if she wants to be a brat let her, she can stay up there and starve for all I care." That hurt, but why? Why do you feel like this, you've wanted them to leave you alone since they took you and now your about to cry because he said he doesn't care about you.

A little sob alerted them to your presents, they both quickly turned their heads to see you standing in the doorway crying almost physically shaking from it. Mic's face softened but he still didn't speak to you, you broke down and ran to him wrapping him in a tight hug "Please dont hate me!" You heard him sigh as he pulled you onto his lap "I dont hate you baby." Midnight came over and placed a box of tissues down next to the two of you "I'll leave you two alone."

Mic took one of the tissues and wiped your face "Stop crying songbird, I love you, you know that." "Im sorry I hit you." "Dont worry about it, compared to the people I deal with daily it felt like ya pinched me." A little laugh broke the cries which caused Mic to smile "Theres that sound I love." Suddenly he started tickling you, crying turned into laughter from the both of you "Please! Im gonna pee!" He stopped and gave you another hug "Im sorry, I was having a bad day and took it out on you. Please songbird dont ever thing I dont love you."

(672 Words)

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