Kill {Shigaraki}

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You were running as fast as you possibly could, your legs felt like jelly on fire as you pushed yourself further. You heard Shigaraki panting behind you as everything in his wake turned to dust, he didn't seem to care about all the injuries he received chasing you threw the forest. Your both bloody, cut up, and starting to bruise as you both ran at full speed but of course with you luck you tripped "Fuck!"

He pounced before you could even think about getting up and rolled you on your back so he could sit on your stomach keeping you pinned to the ground. He grabbed your throat breathing heavy with anger "Y-your-" You could barely speak he was holding your throat so tight, he relented and loosened a bit "Your gonna bleed out if you dont get your injuries-" His grip tightened once more, you could feel his pinky right above your skin waiting for its chance to join the other four on your neck. He knew you didn't speak of his heavily bleeding gashes out of worry, no, you were only trying to save yourself. He leaned down red eyes dark with anger "I'll let us both die before you get away from me again." 

(213 Words)

Requested by: CallieMay3

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