𝕊𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕣 {Kaminari}

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You were walking home when something tackled you, in your panic your hero training kicked in and you grabbed him and twisted making it to were you were pinning him onto the ground. The guy below you started thrashing and screaming and again panicking you cupped a hand over his mouth as he looked up at you "If you stop screaming i'll move my hand, okay?" He nodded and you moved your hand before standing up and pulling him along with you. When he was standing you got a better look at his beat up form, he had to be around your age but he was so small as if he hasn't eaten well in years.

"Are you ok?" He hesitated but shook his head no "Come with me i'll help you." You dragged him to your apartment, both your parents are away on business so you could just bring him threw the front door. You sat him at the kitchen table before grabbing him a water and making him two sandwiches. You put the plate in front him after you made your own, he was looking at the food like it would bite him "Hey, its ok you can eat." You took a bite of your own food "See?" He slowly picked it up and once he realized nothing bad would happen from eating he scarfed the food down. 

After dinner you handed him your dads clothing "This is all I have that would kinda fit you, this is the bathroom you can take a shower." You opened the door and he hesitant stepped threw as you turned the water on for him, a few minutes later he stepped out and now that he was clean you could see all the scars and fresh wounds. "You got a name?" He nodded "Battery." "Battery?" "Thats what the people call me." "Alright battery? Uh, the couch pulls out so you can sleep there tonight." "O-ok." You pulled the bed out the couch and gave him a blanket before reverting to your room and locking the door, theres something off about that kid for sure.

The next day you woke battery up "Im taking you to school and handing you off to the pros they'll know what to do with you." You gave him some better-ish clothing before heading out, you decided to walk as to not overstimulate him since hes clearly never been around more than the people who call him battery. You passed by a store and bought you both breakfast before heading to the teachers lounge. You knocked and waited, soon Hound Dog's voice came "Come in!" You opened the door and as soon as it was open you were on the other side of the room in Mic's arms and battery was wrapped in Aizawa's scarf screaming again.

You slipped out Mic's grip and ran over throwing Aizawa's scarf off him and as soon as he was free he dropped to his knees hugging your waist sopping into it "Its ok, shh, I've got you." "L/n, who is that and why did you bring him to the school!?" You explained what happened the night pror and their protection of a student turned into worry for this random child. Aizawa brought the two of you to Recovery Girl and once you got battery onto the table Aizawa turned to you "You can head to class now L/n, i'll call you once were done and tell you whats happening." "Yes si-" NO! Please dont leave me! L/n! L/n! L/n!" 

Aizawa sighed holding battery down "Alright L/n take a seat this might be a bit." You sat and battery calmed down a lot, you grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze every time he looked ready to freak out. Hours later Aizawa shook you awake, when had you fallen asleep? You quickly turned to battery but he was also asleep. Aizawa gave you a quick rundown of everything they had found out about "battery" He was kidnapped at 5 to be used as a battery for a bunch of crooks and apparently they didn't treat him to kindly, and what they had found from running his finger prints and blood. He handed you a manila folder before straightening up "I have lunch duty but I promise someone will come check on you two and i'll be back right after." "Ok." You opened the folder after a bit of just staring at it

Name: Denki Kaminari
Age: 16
(Age last seen: 5)
Quirk: Electrification
Next of kin: Mother: MIA Father: Deceased

Everything else was a run down of his injuries and such so you closed the folder placing it on the table next to you. A bit later Kaminari started to wake up "Hey... Kaminari?" He looked ready to cry when you called him that "Oh! Wait! Im-" He pulled you into a hug "You can call me Denki." "Then call me F/n." He nodded as he laid back down "Join me?" You shrugged as you crawled in bed with him, if it'll make him feel better then some cuddles can't hurt right. You woke up to someone poking your cheek, you opened your eyes to see Midnight "You two are so cute."

When you realized you were laying on his chest you quickly jumped up "So did Aizawa send you to check on us?" "No lunches been over, he sent me to wake you up. Its time to go home." "Oh... and what about Denki?" She raised an eyebrow at the name but then smiled "Right, here." She handed you two bags, one had normal boy clothing in it and other other had school stuff when you looked up at her confused she laughed "UA has decided to take in Kaminari, but between you and me I think Aizawa just wanted a reason to expel Mineta." 

You laughed as you put the bags into your bookbag "Oh and since Kaminari seems to freak everytime you two are apart you'll be his gardien." "Aright." She walked out and you woke Kaminari up handing him some clothing that would actually fit him. After he was dressed you noticed how bandaged up he was and felt bad, since 5, "Hey do you wanna go to the park before we head home?" "Home?" "Oh right! Did Aizawa-sensie tell you whats gonna happen?" "The scary looking dude? Yeah he said I start class tomorrow." "Well you get to live with me." He smiled "Sure, park sounds nice."

As you guys were walking out, hand in hand to make Kaminari feel better, you heard your name get yelled. You turned to see class 1A walking up to you, Kaminari was hiding behind you like a toddler "Hey guys." Midoriya walked ahead "This must be Kaminari, hi im Mid-" "F/n can we go home?" "O-oh sure Denki, i'll catch up with you guys later." You turned grabbing Kaminari's hand and walking out the building "Instead of the park can we just go home, and maybe we can hold off a day of school?" You texted Aizawa "Alright were excused tomorrow we can do whatever you like." "Lets just stay in, we can watch, uhm, oh! Movies!" 

(1200 Words)

Requested by: kamiko_1234

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