Apartment Complex {Shigaraki}

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You were sleeping away in your room when the attack alarms sounded flashing bright red light into your room, back when villains were at their highest alarms were placed all around Japan for big scale attacks to alert heroes and civilians alike. You jumped up trying to remember what your supposed to do when they go off since its been awhile since you were in school with those drills. You grabbed your phone and looked it up, grab whats absolutely important and evacuate to a safe shelter offered by the hero commission. 

You got out of bed and when your feet hit the ground you fell, was everything shaken or where you so panicked your legs gave? You dont have time to figure it out, you started to crawl trying to pack a small bag of your necessities when the apartment started to shake worse, suddenly the floor below you vanished and you started falling threw the cold night air. You were screaming when you were suddenly caught being squished to someone's chest, you opened your eyes thinking you would come face to face with a hero,   

 You were screaming when you were suddenly caught being squished to someone's chest, you opened your eyes thinking you would come face to face with a hero,   

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"I've got the girl boss." A voice came from something under his mask "Good, bring her to me safe and alive I mean it, one scratch and you'll regret it." You started screaming again but suddenly everything went black, your still conscious but you couldn't feel your body at all. Suddenly you were back in your body, Compress was holding your arm in a tight grip "Please dont run madam I would hate to have to put you back in the marbal." Suddenly Japan's number 2 villain Shigaraki was standing in front you.

He cupped your face with his pinky out and you tried to move back but his grip sharpened "You dont wanna do that love." You were shaking and suddenly your legs gave out, you hit the ground balling your eyes out "Please dont kill me!!" Shigaraki laughed as Compress picked you back up holding you steady "Im not gonna kill you, I love you and I wanna protect you from this corrupt society." Before you could cry out again Compresses grip tightened and again blackness filled your vision and your body felt nonexistent. 

 "Yes the whole city of Musutafu is in ruins." The male reported turned from the women shaking his head "Yes most went up in blue flames but only one apartment complex was disintegrated, its believed that everyone inside perished from Shigaraki from the league of villains quirk or the resulting fall." "Truly sad, hundreds citizens and heroes alike lost their li-" Shigaraki turned off the tv and turned to you with a smile "I did all of that just for you." You thrashed around in the chair you were tied to trying desperately to beg for your freedom threw the gag.

(496 Words)

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