Thunder {Aizawa}

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In the beginning you were all the way on the other side of the couch but as the movie was going on you ended up scooching closer. You dont understand why he loves horror movies so much doesn't he get enough of the scariness and gore from his job. One jump scare got you good and you yelped burying your face into his shoulder "You ok kitten?" You could hear the smirk in his voice "Im f-fine." You scooted away, you wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of you clinging to him.

He shrugged leaning back and going back to watching the movie. After it was over you felt something crawl up on your arm and jumped "I was just trying to tap you to see if you were still up kitten." That smile was pissing you off "Im heading to bed." "Alright good night." As you were getting dressed it started pouring, maybe you'll get some good sleep. You wrapped yourself in your blanket and tried to sleep, until a loud thunder crash sounded so loud you felt like it shook you. You basically jumped out your skin when another one followed right after.

Lightning flashed and your room was filled with creepy shadows. Ten minutes of this was all you could take and you booked it out your room and halfway down the hall before stopping, you're being ridiculous you told yourself as you turned to go back to your room but the loudest sound of thunder shook you to your core and you turned scurrying off to your captures room.

You slowly opened the door to find him sleeping so you made your way over and crawled onto the other side of the bed, you can just leave before he wakes and he'll never know. You felt him wrap his arms around you "And whats got you in my bed?" "Im just-" The thunder once again caused you to jump and role over burying yourself into his chest "Come here kitty cat i've got you."

(340 Words) 

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