Baby Her Head Canons

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*Bakugou and Kirishima both loved that your a worthy opponent/ not afraid to go all out on them

*It was one hell of a fight to get you home because Bakugou wanted to take you fair and square

*Instead of the whole scared and avoiding thing you act out and its mostly towards Bakugou because you know Kirishima will save your ass

*After all just because your stuck with them dont mean you have to like it

*Bakugou hates it because Kirishima wont let him discipline you no matter what you do

*And you do a lot, throwing anything you can get your hands on, replacing his shampoo with pink hair dye, cutting his clothing, anything to rile him up because you know there will be no consequences

*With Kirishima its different like, refusing to eat and things like that but he still refused to punish you in any way other then a talking to

*When your left alone with Bakugou you just hideaway until Kirishima comes back, when your left with Kirishima your setting things up to get back at Bakugou

*Both have kinda lost hope that your ever going to come around but there kinda in to deep at this point so putting up with you until you finally settle down, when ever that will be, is all they can do

*They both LOVE when your asleep because thats the only time your a little angle, sometimes they drug you do they can cuddle and hold you for a couple hours

*After a bit you settle down and its like they can breath for the first time in forever

*Bakugou takes full advantage; cuddles, naps, hugs, sitting on his lap while he does paperwork

*Kirishima wants you to cook with him, clean, cuddle, come to his and bakugou's joint agencies and meet their co-workers, meet friends

*In the end your still a fighter but your a fighter that realized there was no point because either way you belong to them now

(370 Words)

Requested by: blueberry_totsiee

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