Deku {Bakugou}

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The door swung open so hard it bounced against the wall it hit, Bakugou came stumping in pupils jumping around in his eyes. He walked over to you still tied to the chair in the middle of the room "You whore! I know you were out with Deku!" You flinched away until he was done yelling "I wasn't and you know that. Im tied to this chair and Midoriya is dead, he died years ago!"

He started jumping around like a toddler having a tantrum "No no no no no! Hes alive and your cheating on me! Where is he hiding!?" Why waist your breath, you leaned back letting your head flop over the top of the chair. He grabbed your face pulling it back to face him "Look at me! I want your attention! Why does Deku get it and not me!?" He let you go as his anger turned into angry sadness "Deku gets everything, whats so great about him! Im here to."

It was hard to feel bad for him in the position you were in but you know its not his fault, hes been like this scene the accident that killed Midoriya "Katsuki-" He cut you off by throwing something "I dont want your petty!" God hes like a moody three year old you thought as he stood "Im gonna find Deku and when I do your both gonna be in trouble!" He slammed the door behind him and you let out a breath.

(251 Words)

Requested by: Sol565

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