Mom {League Of Villains}

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You walked into the bar area "Alright we have, Magne I washed your clothing dear." You handed them to her before giving her a hug "Compress I got the blood off your masks, Spinner I sharpened your swords, and Kurogiri I ironed your suit." You gave them their things and hugs before going back to your things. "F/n!" You walked back into the bar area to see Toga sitting in on bar stool with her hair down "I cant get my hair right, can you help?" You smiled taking her hair supplies "Sure sweetie, turn around."

A few minutes later the door swung open and twice ran in holding his forehead as he dropped to his knees. Toga looked to Dabi as you ran off "Lost his mask during the scuffle." You came running back in with a pillow case and scissors, you pulled the pillow case over his face and cut eye holes "Jin baby, breath. Its ok im right here." You hugged him rubbing his back as his breath started to slow as he calmed down. Once he was fully calm you turned to Dabi "Toga go get the first aid kit please." You sat Dabi down and re-stapled his under eye back wiping away the blood.

You later woke up to muttering from the hallway, you opened your door to see Shigaraki pacing around the hallway, you yawned walking over to him "Shiggy its like one in the morning." He turned to you hand and neck full of blood. You grabbed his wrists softly and put then down to his side before bringing him to the bathroom. You cleaned him up and walked with him back to his room "Wait! ...Can you stay for a bit?" You gave him a sleepy smile before sitting on his bed, he handed you a control "Wanna play?"

"Sure." You played till he got tired enough to crawl into bed, you turned the TV off and started humming. When you were sure he was asleep you slowly stood and made your way back to your room. The next day you woke up to Twice poking your face "Shigaraki said to come on we have a meeting." You got dressed and meet up with the rest of the league. You and Shigaraki were sitting on Overhaul's couch while the rest of the league was spread out around the room. After the meeting Overhaul turned to you and began to flirt. 

Suddenly Toga appeared behind him knife to his throat "Dont talk to mom like that." Dabi grabbed your arm pulling you from the couch "Come on." "But I was-" Shigaraki started pushing your back as Dabi continued to pulled you "Kurogiri open the portal, deals off." Twice was now by Toga "Boss-" Shigaraki turned "He disrespected mom, I dont care what you do to him."

(511 Words)

Since its a new book i'll say it again this emoji {❣️} at the begin of a story means Platonic Yandere. Platonic love is non romantic love, like a parent and child or two friends 

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