Killed {Rappa}

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You thrashed about in the chair in the empty room. The door opened and closed quickly "Hey I brought you some food." You kept trying to get out the binds on the chair as you heard him sigh "You know you can't get out, we've been over this." "Fuck you! When my friends find me your gonna regret this!" He laughed a hardy laugh before setting the tray down and cupping your face forcing you to look at him.

"You killed someone. Do you really think they're even gonna want you back?" You stopped thrashing and your shoulders slumped head falling to hang low as tears splashed onto the floor. He smiled using his grip on your chin to pull your head up to look at him, he kissed your tears before smiling down at you "I'll always want you, even if they dont."

(149 Words)

Requested by: M0nd0butter

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