Den {EraserMic}

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"You better not be pulling my leg man." Mic gave you his signature smile as he moved a low hanging branch out the way so the two of you could continue your hike off trail "Promise im not, wait till you meet him you're gonna love him." You two came upon a clearing and Mic stopped you "Here boy!" He started making little noises like he was calling a dog, suddenly you heard shuffling from the bushes in front the clearing "Mic I already told you to stop doing that." The thing came out the bushes walking on four legs, your voice was barely above a whisper "Wow."

"I know right." Mic was smiling at you but you were to busy watching the thing stand up on two feet, you had to look up to see its face "Is this the girl you told me about?" "Yup!" He bent down and breathed you in before sticking his large paw out for you to shake but you didn't you grabbed it and lightly pulled it to you "Toe beans." Your eyes were shining with little sparkles causing both to chuckle "You wanna go for a ride?" Mic huffed "I dont get that special treatment." "Because your not cute." "Hey!" The beast laughed as he got down on his four legs as Mic helped you onto his back.

The two started walking as Mic was telling you about how he meet the creature, whos name is apparently Aizawa, on a hunt and how they became friends, or like how Aizawa would put it decided he wasn't food. "Your gonna wanna lay flat on my back it might be a tight fit." You did and he crouched crawling through the hole that lead to a huge den, it had to be the size of an apartment. Mic crawled in after as you slipped off Aizawa's back so he could roll the rock he used as a door in front the hole. You looked around and noticed very human like decorations and furniture, even a seperate room you assume is a bathroom, the only thing beastly was the shallow hole with a pillow in it you assumed was a bed.

You turned to Mic "So this is where your always going off to for days on end, me and Nemuri get worried you know." "Sorry but its comfy here." Aizawa walked over to the two of you "Like it?" You nodded "Its really nice." "Glad." He walked off and Mic nudged you "'Man' of few words." You smiled as you both slumped onto the couch as Aizawa came over and laid across the two of you, you couldn't help it and started scratching behind his ear to which his tail started swishing furiously. After a bit of conversation you yawned and Aizawa stood picking you up with him. He walked over to the 'bed' and fell backwards letting you use his chest as a cushion "You should take a nap, i'll bring you home later." Mic laid beside Aizawa on the pillow and you nodded "Night." 

Mic smiled once you were fully asleep "Told you you would love her." Aizawa looked at your sleeping body "Were keeping her." Mic scratched his head "Of course we are, shes ours after all."

(591 Words)

I just realized im posting 2 EraserMic's where Aizawa is a big ass "monster" on the same day

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I just realized im posting 2 EraserMic's where Aizawa is a big ass "monster" on the same day... oh no what a tragedy😏

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