Fantasy Bakugou HeadCanons

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*He was being an idiot in the woods with his dragon Kirishima and happened upon a little cottage 

*Kirishima, being Kirishima, went right up and knocked answering the door was you 

*You invited them in for a good home cooked meal and in return you just wanted to come along with them, leave your old boring life behind and adventure 

*They agree and soon your clinging to Bakugou as Kirishima takes off, he wont admit it but it was cute 

*They bring you back to there cave in the mountains, your the nurse, cook, refure, basically Bakugou probably wouldn't be alive currently if not for you

*And hes a little to thankful

*You got hurt really bad on one of their quest and Bakugou almost didn't make it to you in time

*After this Bakugou makes his mind up, it way to dangerous for such a fragile thing like you to be out like this

*He takes you back to your cabin and locks it up tight to keep you safe, not only that but he and Kirishima build up the woods so no one will ever stumble upon your cabin by mistake

*He comes by as much as he possibly can and if he cant make it he sends the only person he trust, Kirishima to keep you company 

*Your just way to sweet and fragil to be out and about in this horrible world he knows will destroy you

  (241 Words)

Requested by: AdelaVelazque26

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