Arranged 2 {Natsou}

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You really didn't get a choice, your family wasn't in the best position so taking Endeavor's offer to marry his son would help them a lot. A black car pulled in your driveway and a guy got out grabbing your bags "Hello Ms. Todoroki, you have two minutes to say goodbye then we leave." You nodded tears collecting in your eyes, you turned to your parents and your mother smiled cupping your face "You dont have to do this." You smiled at her "I- I want to, I wanna help you guys." Your dad pulled you into a hug your mother soon joined "Be safe." "Call us." 

"Ms. Todoroki its time to go!" You wiped your face and walked over to the car, the man opened it and you slipped in putting your seatbelt on. You rejected this guy not two weeks prior and now you two are gonna get married, it was weird but strictly to benefit both your families you told yourself. He justs wants a child with your combined quirks and you want your parents to have a good rest of their lives, nothing more. The car came to a stop and the driver ran around and opened the door for you to step out "I'll bring your bags later." "Alright, thank you." 

Endeavor greeted you with a smile as you stepped onto the porch "Im glad you accepted my offer!" You bowed to him "Of course Endeavor-san." He placed a hand on your back and lead you around the old style house explaining the layout of the house and your role as the newest women there. You meet Fuyumi and Shoto but was warned to stay away from Touya. Finally Endeavor stopped at a room "Your new room, Fuyumi will come get you to help her start dinner later." You nodded before opening the door to see Natsou fixing the tatami "Hello my love." 

You smiled at him "Hi Natsou." You walked in closing the door behind you as he walked over and placed a kiss on your cheek "So how does it feel to be married." "Like my family is happy." His smile faded a bit "Right, well maybe we should play a board game or something." Hours after dinner you were fast asleep next to your husband, who couldn't sleep for shit. The guilt was eating away at him. Did he really just have his dad pay your poor family to marry you, had he really just did to you what his father did to his moth- No! He would never treat his darling in such a way he loves you not your quirk, you! He turned and snuggled into your back wrapping his arms around you.

(466 Words)

Requested by: This is my most request story ive ever received 

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