Know Him {You}

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"Hey Eraserhead!" You waved as you came jogging over to him and his class, you always call him Eraser when hes in his hero suit even thought you two have been on a first name basis for years now. Some may think it to be respectful or for his privacy scenes hes underground but in reality you do it because you know he hates it. You know everything about him like that his ears are pierced in two different places, you know he has tattoos and all the meanings behind them, all about his son from his now deceased ex girlfriend Hitoshi Shinsou, and all his cats names, yes even the strays he feeds.

"Hi F/n." You gave him a hug he pretended to hate but you know he loves. You looked behind him to see his class all dressed up "You guys enjoying the charity event?" "Yes!" You chuckled "Dont worry, that'll change soon." Aizawa gave a laugh he couldn't hold in, the class went their separate ways as you and Aizawa made your way to the bar area. You two were sitting and talking when a girl yelled out "Eraserhead!" Suddenly Ms. Joke hugged Aizawa shoving her boobs, that were almost completely out her tight dress, in his face. "Hi Joke." "Oh whos this?" Who are you? Who the fuck is she!? "This is F/n, shes the girl I told you about." "Oh your kitten!" You love that nickname but not out of her mouth, you put on a smile "Yeah, your Ms. Joke right?" "Thats me! Room for one more?" 

Aizawa nodded and you had to hide your scowl as he plopped herself on his lap. After an hour of her hogging your Shota one of Aizawa's kids came running over, Kaminari you believe "Mr. Aizawa Bakugou and Todoroki are about to fight!" He sighed standing up so you made your way behind him. Before he could do anything both kids stopped looking as if they were about to go to sleep suddenly, Aizawa turned to you "Thanks." You had activated your quirk, calming mind "No problem." You let them go and they both walked away having completely forgot they were about to fight. He tried to walk back to the bar but you grabbed him "We should get your kids home before something else happens." 

He nodded before rounding them all up. After getting all the kids home he pulled into your place "Isn't she great?" "Hmm?" "Emi, shes amazing." You frowned "Yeah shes really something Sho." "Yeah. Pretty, smart, strong, funny, god shes got it all." "So are you two dating?" "No but I wish I had to the gut to ask h-" The end of his sentence was nothing but a slurred jumble of words as your quirk took him over. You helped him out the car and started walking him up to your apartment while calling Shinsou to tell him his dad would be spending the night. You dropped him onto the couch before letting him off your quirk. You dove to hug him "Ah! Of course i'll be your girlfriend Sho!" "Huh, Oh! Great kitten." He hugged you back, tonight you celebrate... tomorrow you take care of that man stealing whore.

(616 Words)

Hey look it wasn't Kaminari or Miro this time 🥳🥳

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