Nightmare {Sero}

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Your unsure how you got into this situation in all honesty. Here you are holding a baby in the quiet kitchen of your p̶r̶i̶s̶o̶n̶  home waiting for your c̶a̶p̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶  husband to get off work. The door opened and you turned to see Sero drop his helmet at the door "Im home." You stood and walked over to him giving him a kiss with one of those tv housewife smiles "Welcome home, how was work?" He shrugged "It was just paperwork so boring, how was your day?" He was walking into the kitchen "Fine, cleaning and taking care of this little one." He smiled taking the baby from you and sitting at the table "Whats for dinner?" 

"Just some ramen." He nodded as you placed the food down in front him, he used the hand he wasn't holding the baby with to eat. After dinner he placed the baby in her crib before wrapping his arms around you and starting to make you walk backwards. You both laughed as you went threw the threshold of the bedroom, he laid you on the bed looming over you. He leaned down to kiss you-

You shot up in a cold sweat semi sure you screamed as you tumbled off your bed. Sero flung the door open flipping the light on "Are you ok F/n?" "DON'T COME NEAR ME FREAK!" He sighed "Another nightmare?" You backed into a corner curled into yourself "I'll bring you some juice, please breathe alright."

(252 Words)

Requested by: iisquishypaws 

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