DekuSquad HeadCanons

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Yes Shinsou is apart of the DekuSquad 

*You meet them at lunch and they took a liking to you immediately

*Your so sweet and nice and cute, you're just to naive for them to let you walk around on your own especially in this world

*Midoriya will break every bone in his body before he lets you lift a finger during battle

*Todoroki will buy you anything you want/need {With Endeavors card of course}

*Uraraka and Tsu keep Mineta FAR away from you

*If your every failing a class or someones being mean to you tell Shinsou, he'll fix it

*Iida will make sure you never hurt yourself and if you do he'll make sure you get all fixed up

*They are possessive so if you had friends before them you dont now

*They just want whats best for you so; bedtimes, 3 meals a day, 2 snacks, must bring water, just the basics

*Also dont think you get a love life, if its not one of them its no one simple

*They like dressing you up, yes even Midoriya, and yes you have to wear it

*Steal there clothing, they love it

*They all crash in your room to be closer to you

*They'll go threw your phone when your asleep

*If you just let them have you there will be no problem

*Now if you realize how bad they are for you and try and break away thats when the problem starts

(240 Words)

Requested by: yaya-mbc

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