Corner {Shinsou}

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You were curled into yourself in the corner of your room staring blankly off in space. Shinsou cant take it anymore, he comes and sits next to you placing a plate and drink down in front you, you haven't eaten in awhile and hes very worried. When you didn't even glance at the food he stood and brought back the stuffed anime he got you a while back and thrust it in your direction "Wanna hug this?" Your eyes never moved from the wall you were 'focused' on. Shinsou started crying, he can't believe he did this to you.

He grabbed you and pulls you onto his lap this time your head did move you looked at him with a blank expression there's no life behind your eyes and he starts crying harder holding you close to his chest "Are you mad at me!? Tell me what to do to fix it! I'll- I'll never hurt you ever again! You can- you can hit me back! Hit me as much as you want! Im so sorry please talk to me! Please!..." You only blinked face still emotionless he pulled you closer, he hated himself, how could he do this to you.

(219 Words)

Requested by: iwannakasho0tmyself

And on today's episode we have... Oh! Would you look at that its pain!

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