Memory {Bakugou}

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You and Bakugou were on your normal patrol arguing about what to get for lunch when you both heard someone scream, your hero instincts kicked in and you took off running leaving him where he was standing. You got to the scene to see a guy running with a bunch of stolen jewelry "Hey you! Stop!" He turned to you and rolled his eyes "God you heroes are annoying!" His hand started glowing a dark blue as he shot some kind of energy beam at you.

Before you had time to react you saw a blur of black and orange fly in front you. You looked up to see the guy gone and Bakugou laying face down on the ground "Bakugou!" You ran over and flipped him on his back "Bakugou?" He opened his eyes "Who the fuck is that?" Shit. The ambulance rushed him to the hospital with you following in your car. Recovery Girl confirmed what you already knew, the quirk made him lose his memory." She took you outside the room "How bad is it?" She sighed "Wont last longer then a week but he doesn't remember a single thi-" She was cut off by a huge explosion, four other nurses ran past you and into the room to tie Bakugou down.

"He can stay here till he gets it all back." You watched as the nursed held him down as he trashed about "No. He can be released into my care." After what felt like a week but was probably nothing more then an hour and a half you pulled into your driveway "What do you want for dinner?" "I dont know surprise me." Once inside you ordered Ramon and went to set the guest bedroom up. After eating you both went to your separate rooms for the night.

You had to have only been sleeping for about three hours when you felt your bed dip, you turned to see Bakugou crawling in bed with you "What are you doing?" "Its freezing in the guest room, now scoot over." You sighed moving to give him room "Well if your gonna be in here im using you for body heat." You snuggled into his warm chest and dozed off once again. The next morning you woke to the smell of pancakes and bacon, you went down to see Bakugou making breakfast "Morning, you snore." "Wow thanks." You rolled your eyes as you sat, he put a plate in front you and your mouth watered.

After breakfast you got dressed "I need to run some earns, wanna come?" "I guess." You drove to the grocery store and hopped out. Bakugou was just following you when a guy came over "Are you H/n?" "Yup, are you a fan?" "Yeah!" You guys where talking when Bakugou grabbed your hand "Can we get going?" "Oh yeah, sorry." He held your hand the entire time in the store. After you had to grab your new hero suit and then headed home, he again slept in your bed.

Tuesday was nothing more then a chill on the couch day, Wednesday you both went to the park and had a picnic to get Bakugou some fresh air, Thursday you had a meeting and Bakugou accompanied you, Friday you both went out to the spa, and Saturday was another earns day. Sunday came along, the last day of the quirk effect, and you guys where just laying on the couch together watching a movie when he turned to you "F/n, I think I love you." You sat up straight and laughed "Wow this quirk is really making you into a different person." "No. I really think I wanna spend the rest of our lives together."

"Thats just the quirk talking." "What if I feel this way tomorrow then?" "Then i'll think about it." He smiled at that. The next morning you woke to him rubbing your head "Morning." "Morning Kats." "Guess what?" You sat up yawning "Huh?" "I still feel the same as I did yesterday." Your smile dropped "Bakugou I cant date you, your like a brother to me." He sat up with you "You said if when I remember-" "Because I didn't think you would! ...Im sorry." He made his normal scowl "Its whatever, hand me that cup please." You turned to grab the cup and felt the thump pf him hitting you with your bedside lamp when you turned to grab the cup. 

You hit the floor slowly slowly backing out as he hosted you up "Sorry F/n but I cant let you ruin our relationship, its gonna be so perfect."

(774 Words)

Requested by: Kamiko_1234

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