Better {Ms. Joke}

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"Hey Shota do you wanna-" "Cant, work." He shut the door heading out for patrol "...Ok." "You know you deserve so much better than that." You turned to Joke who was sitting at the table, you both invited her for tea, "Hes just busy saving the world, you know." You gave her a laugh but she could see the pain behind your eyes "He does this often doesn't he?" You started crying but kept smiling "No, of course not." Lies, she stood walking over to you, she cupped your face staring into your eyes with such love. Your still unsure of what possessed you but you kissed her letting her kiss you back. 

You woke the next morning naked and curled up to a still sleeping Ms. Joke. The guilt hit you all at once, you just cheated on your fiance with one of the few friends he still has. You shook her awake hurriedly "You need to leave." "Why?" "Shota will be home in a couple hours, he cant see us like this." She stretched "So, he treats you like shit and you kinda just cheated on him. Dont you think its time to finally let your dieing relationship, you know, die." "No! I made a mistake fueled by hurt feelings and it won't ever happen again." She frowned but got dressed and left, when Aizawa came home a few hours later you were still crying.

He came in and sat on the bed next to you and rubbed your back "Whats wrong?" "I- I cheated on you! Im so sorry Shota!" His face dropped but he hugged you, the next few hours were spent talking. You both know you can't forgive and forget but no hurt in fixing things, you both made mistakes your willing to try and put behind you. Joke called you later that night "Hey, so does he know?" "Yeah, well sorta he doesn't know it was with you." "Oh, so you two split?" "No, we decided to give it another shot." She hung up. Shota walked in and hugged you "Im heading out." "Alright, love ya, bye." "Love you." You two shared a kiss before he left.

An hour later you were sitting on the couch watching tv when a knock came at the door. You opened it to find Joke "Oh hey Emi, need something?" "You." She tried to kiss you but you pushed her away "Emi I told you it was a mistake and I won't make it again." "But he treats you like shit." "He didn't mean to, you wont understand." "Try me." "Emi everything thats going on at UA, the Shirikumo Kurogiri thing, and now the Midnight stuff, he has depression, he has for a while, and refuses to go get diagnosed and medicated. Its not his fault the way he acted and I understand and forgive him just like hes trying to forgive me." She tried to cup your face but you pushed her a bit harder "Emi! I dont like you like that! I was hurt and not thinking clearly and did something I regret!"

"You leave me no choice then." Before you could say anything she attacked you, being a pro and you just a civilian fighting back failed almost immediately. She got you tied up with Aizawa's extra scarf he leaves by the door and threw you over her shoulder "There lets go love." "Emi-!" "No! I love you! I know I love you more than he does! Your coming home with me so I can treat you like the princess you are!"

(601 Words)

Requested by: gundamtanka2

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