Cave {EraserMic}

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*To be clear before the story starts, air pockets can occur in underwater caves there for its like a normal cave but the only way to get in is threw a tunnel full of water that leads out into the bigger body of water basically, just so everyone's on the same page

If you knew becoming a marine biologist would lead to this you would have just walked out on the first day of college. It was supposed to be a simple study but your ship capsized and you along with most of the crew rolled over the edge and into the freezing water but unlike those poor souls something slimy wrapped around you before you blacked out. You woke in an underwater cave two creatures that should definitely, by all laws of physics and nature, not exist but did staring at you. It was ok at first you guess, they brought you food and clean drinking water in exchange for you talking to them.

Things didn't get bad until you mentioned them going and getting you help, they told you you weren't allowed to leave your theres now and you should be grateful they saved you and asking to leave is ungrateful. They didn't really watch you or anything since you couldn't hold your breath long enough to swim down the tunnel and then slowly swim up not to get decompression sickness without dieing so they knew you couldn't leave the cave.

"Heyy~ I found something you might like!" You walked over to the pond sized hole Mic was floating in and sat letting your feet dangle in the water to which he quickly came up to hug you "What is it?" "Sho said its called a licence plate." You had to hold back the laugh, Mic was always so fascinated with any human thing he found and you now have a pile in the corner since he always thinks you'll be just as fascinated. You took it and tossed it to the pile thanking him before Aizawa came up next to him "Im back." "Hi Sho, did Zashi show you the license plate?" 

"Yes, be careful not to cut yourself on it." "I already picked it up, im fine I promise." He nodded coming over to wrap you in a hug from the side Mic wasn't occupying. They shared a look with each other "What are you two thi-!" Suddenly you were yanked into the water by the two, Aizawa then started floating on his back pulling you onto his chest so you wouldn't have to put the effort into staying afloat. You laid down on his chest "You're both assholes." Mic laughed leaning against Aizawa's shoulder to kiss your forehead "Night our lovely little mate." "Night."

(461 Words)

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