'My' Daughter {Nana}

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"Do you really think you should be getting so close to L/n right after having to give away Kataro, I feel like your just trying to use her as a replacement-" Nana scoffed "Shes my best friend's daughter, im just being a good aunt." Gran Torino nodded "Sorry... I just wanna make sure you make the right choices." She smiled "I know."

"Nana!" She turned and crouched so you could wrap her in a hug, she stood as she placed you on her hip and smiled to your mom "Hey bestie, hows it going?" "Great! I finally found a better job!" "Thats great!" "Yeah, we board the plane next we-" "Plane?" You smiled up at her "Mommy got a job in America, I get to go to an American pre school!" Nana ruffled your hair "Well im sure its gonna be fun." Your mom smiled "Yeah, I have one more job for Japan then were heading out, the American agency pays so much better than the one I work at now."

A day later Nana and your mother hugged you saying their goodbyes as Gran Torino, who was babysitting you, took you inside. A few days later only Nana returned "Where's mommy?" She teared up and Gran Torino gasped, you were confused, Gran Torino placed his hand on her shoulder "What happened?" She sniffled as she got on her knees to hug you tight "Im sorry baby, mommy can't come home." Gran Torino pulled her up and tried to whisper so you couldn't hear "What happened?" Nana also tried to whisper but you still heard "Building collapse, I tried my hardest to save her but she got caught up in the rubble." 

You started crying, you still didn't understand only being four but hearing that your mom won't come home and having Nana, a strong and unmovable women in your eyes, crying made you cry "Its gonna be alright baby girl, im still here."

~A Couple Years Later~

"Mom!" Nana put her spatula down and turned seconds before you bursted into the kitchen "Yes?" "Can I go to the mall with Yagi-kun?" "Let me do something with my hair and i'll drive you kids." "Thanks mom, your the best! Let me go tell Yagi to get ready!" You ran of and she smiled, she loves her so- daughter. She loves her daughter."

(409 Words)

Requested by: FuntimeWolfie13

Here's to hoping I spelt the username right this time, lol 

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