'Where. Is. He?' {You}

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You stormed in to the room where Midnight and Endeavour were talking to the villain "Where. Is. He?" The villain looked up at you with a smirk "Who?" You scowled before smacking him so hard he flew to the floor, you heard Midnight gasp as you bent to grab his face pulling it up and looking him in the eye "You know who im talking about, now where is he?" You placed your foot over his crotch "Or say goodbye to having kids." He gulped before screaming out the address twice.

You threw him back to the ground "You better be telling me the truth or your gonna wish your mother swallowed you." You tried to walk out but Endeavor was behind you "What?" "Do you not just realized what you did?" "Yeah, what you couldn't, now move before I do it to you too." He stepped out the way as you walked threw the door to suit up. You hopped into the back of the police van and Aizawa yanked you to sit by him "Did you even stop to think whats gonna happen to you when the commission finds out how you got this information?" "Well everyone was just sitting around as if he isn't in danger."

He sighed shaking his head "You never think things threw, hes a pro hero for god sakes hes fine, you always let your emotions run your life." "I respect you immensely Aizawa but shut up, I know what im doing." He leaned back closing his eyes as you pulled out your phone,

You sighed putting your phone back into your pocket and rubbing your face

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You sighed putting your phone back into your pocket and rubbing your face. The van stopped and everyone stood, Aizawa grabbed your arm and pulled you a bit closer "Thank before you act L/n." You nodded before running out with all the other heroes leaking around the building and sticking to the wall. You snuck to the front of the line and activated your quirk, strength, and kicked the whole door off its hinges. Everyone ran in and spreaded out looking around before your earpiece crackle and you heard RockLock "I can hear him but the doors locked up tight." You made it after a few other heroes and grabbed the handle of the door ripping it off the wall entirely.

"Hizashi!" You ran in and yanked the chains breaking them off the wall and pulling him into your arms, he passed out soon after

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"Hizashi!" You ran in and yanked the chains breaking them off the wall and pulling him into your arms, he passed out soon after. You carried him out and to the ambulance hopping in with him. He woke up to the feeling of someone playing in his hair, he turned his head a bit to see you with puffy eyes, he wanted to joke like he always does to show you he was ok "Hey cutie." You smiled down at him "Morning sexy." He laughed but immediately grabbed his other side in pain "You gotta calm down Mic, you got pretty beat up." He nodded as a nurse came in to check him.

A few hours later he was signing his discharge papers. You helped him into the wheelchair and started rolling him "Im taking you to my house till your all heeled." "Im fine." You rolled your eyes helping him into the car "Yeah Zashi i've known you for almost 15 years, your not fine." He pouted but let you buckle him and pat his head. You pulled out your parking spot and started driving as Mic tried to get comfortable in his seated position with all the injuries. Being a hero is to dangerous, if you would have gotten to him a few minutes later he wouldn't have been able to get the care that saved him, you can't let him go back to work he could get hurt worse next time.

(668 Words)

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