Easter {Mirko}

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You were sitting on the couch when the door flung open "Guess what today is!" "Uh... Thursday?" "No, it's actually Sunday. But it's Easter!" You gave her a weird look "Rumi were adults whats so special about that?" "Well remember that sweet little babygirl I told you about the one Aizawa adopted, well he asked me to dress up as the Easter bunny for her because its her first time celebrating." You sighed "Can you just save the rant I promise not to try to leave, i'll just get caught again." She sat on your lap and booped your nose "Your coming with me~."

Your eyes grew wide "I can come?" "As long as you behave." The day passed by annoyingly slow but the time you two needed to leave finally came, you got dressed in a normal casualish formal outfit she bought you and waited by the door. Miriko came out a few minutes later in a more Easter bunny and child friendly looking suit "Ready?" You jumped up "Yup!" She patted your head as she opened the door, the light and fresh air hit you and you couldn't help but smile. She grabbed your hand and lead you threw the city you no longer remembered, soon you came to a stop at a gated house "Wow."

"Yeah I dont know how Hawks lives like this a simple apartment will due for me." You guys walked into the party that was already in swing. A few seconds after you two arrived a black haired man carrying a little girl walked up to you, this must be Aizawa. "Eri look." Mirko smiled at her waving, she hid her face in Aizawa's neck before slowly looking up "Uh, H-hi." "Hi, you wanna go finds some eggs?" She looked to Aizawa who nodded so she went to Mirko "Babe i'll be back soon, dont have to much fun without me." To anyone who heard it sounded like playful banter between a happy couple but you knew it was a warning to not draw too much attention to yourself.

"So you must be L/n." "Yeah, you have an adorable daughter." "Thanks, drink?" "Oh sure." He handed you a cup of punch and you followed him over to a couch to sit, Mirko left him alone with you so she must trust him better to just stay with him to stay out of trouble. After a bit of small talk a loud blond came over "Babe Eri's quirk is messing with her." Aizawa stood with a sigh "Nice meeting you L/n." "Same Aizawa-san." So thats why she left him with you, now alone on the couch the idea of running or screaming for help hit you a house full of heroes someone would believe and help right? That plan was thrown out the window when Mirko plopped onto your lap "Alright time to go home you've been out long enough."

(522 Words)

Requested By: Nishinoya_Simp

Did yall really think I wasn't gonna do Mirko for Easter 

Hope everyone had a good Easter, I spent mine so far in the closet I probably could have found Narnia 

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