𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝐵𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝒹𝒶𝓎! {EraserMic}

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You were clicking away at the cash register when you heard a pained grunt, you looked up to see the man you just checked out holding his lower back and his grocery bags on the floor "Are you ok sir?" He laughed but quickly winced "Guess im not as young as I used to be, could you give me a hand dear?" "Sure." You walked over and picked up the bags following him to his car "Thanks so much, I hope im not being a bother." "Not at all, its actually part of my job." He opened the trunk and you started putting his bags away "Your too sweet, but you should be careful coming to random men's cars like this." 

You laughed "Thanks for the concern but I think i'll be fi-" Suddenly you were pushed into the trunk and it was shut covering you in darkness. You felt the car back out and start driving, after what felt like forever the car came to a stop. Aizawa opened the trunk expecting a fight instead he found you glaring at him drinking one of the juice packets he bought "Are you coming willingly or am I gonna have to drag you?" You threw the empty packet at him and it hit him in the face "Just because I can't fight back doesn't mean I can't be an inconvenience." He huffed "Of course." 

After a bit of you squirming around he finally got ahold of you and threw you over his shoulder, effortlessly "You lier." "Sorry, I head to get you to my car somehow." You looked around and noticed this was the only house for miles not only that but it had a huge fence with a sturdy gate. Once inside he dropped you on the couch "I need to get the groceries, behave." "BeHaVe." He gave you a look a teacher would give a disrespectful student before going back outside, you heard the lock on the door.

Once everything was picked up he came back and sat next to you "So, is there a reason your not fighting back?" "Im not stupid, you wouldn't have taken me if you didn't plan out what to do if I try and run. But dont take my acceptance as submission." He laughed "Smart girl, you want some take out for dinner or is one of us gonna cook?"

A week past with your new life, and in all honesty you can't say you truly hate it. Aizawa or Shota as he makes you call him isn't to bad, you dont have to worry about your job or money at all for that matter. He lets you sleep in and has all kinds of good snacks, hes barely ever home apparently hes a teacher and a pro hero so your allowed to do anything you please inside the huge mansion like house and closed off backyard. Hes never pushed you to do something you didn't want to and even went to your apartment to grab some things you listed you'd like to have back. You could get used to this.

You two were baking Mic's birthday cake "So hes coming home today?" "Yup." "Whats he like?" Present Mic, you meet him long before you meet Aizawa maybe a year or so before, hes usually the one that came and got the groceries at your old job he was friendly and usually held up the line to talk to you and oh boy if the store was empty he'd keep you company until you had to get to work but you wonder what hes like at home. "Well hes a lot more quiet at home thats for sure but hes handsy if you dont like it i'll make sure he stops."

You nodded as you took the cake out the oven "So does he know im here?" "No, your kinda his birthday suprise." You rolled your eyes and he chuckled before booping your nose leaving a bit of frosting that made you giggle before returning the favor a few hours later you both heard the door open "Im home~!" Aizawa turned to you placing his finger over his lip "Stay right here." You nodded putting the finishing touches on the cake.

Aizawa walked out the kitchen frosting smeared on a few places on his face, he wrapped Mic in a hug "Welcome home." "What happened to your face babe?" "Dont worry about that right now, come to the kitchen I got you a present." "Sho you've never gotten me a present, you said its stupid and materialistic." He grabbed Mic's arm and started leading him to the kitchen "Just shut up and come on." 

Mic walked into the kitchen to see you with the same frosting covered face as Aizawa, you looked up and gave him a smile "Happy birthday!" He ran over yanking you into the air and hugging you "Ah Sho your so sweet! And shes behaving so well, wait how long has she been here?" Aizawa shrugged "Only a few days, I got her the day after you left for your mission but shes just a good girl." He put you down and both you and Aizawa grabbed a frosting bag and squirted it at him "Now we match!"

(919 Words)

Ik its not Mic's birthday bit i've had this idea for a bit 

My little co-author {kitten} keeps walking on my keyboard while I type, also she now has a name to no one's surprise I name her Kayama 

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