Bed {Mic}

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You felt like a real burden, ever since the villain attack you had been paranoid beyond belief. Every sound, every shadow, anything really could send you into a panicked frenzy that it could be your attacker. It got to the point where you couldn't be alone, you tried to move in with your big brother but Aizawa was busy and couldn't be there to help when your night terrors started so like the great friend he is Mic offered you his spare bedroom, his house had a huge fence and front gate with a guard no one can hurt you there he promised.

But all that stuff didn't change the thoughts in your head, if the villain could get to you once he could get to you again. You were in the kitchen getting a glass of water after a particularly bad nightmare when a loud noise behind you caused you to panic and throw the glass falling onto your ass and curling into yourself, you felt a wet tap on your arm and opened your eyes to see Mic's doberman, melody, looking at you with confusion. You sighed petting the dogs head trying to stop your body from shaking and calm your breathing before you were full out hyperventilating.

Normally the sweet thing would be in her own room, yeah Mic loves spoiling his baby, but Mic said sleeping with her might make you feel better and you must have woken her up booking it out the room like you were being chased. You stood and caught a glimpse of someone run by the window- no! No one ran by your being par- a crash sent you flying up the stairs and bursting Mic's bedroom door open as if someone was right behind you. He didn't jump or anything he just looked up from his laptop with a patient smile. You started to feel silly, your a grown women for god sakes you should be able to sleep in your own bed, you turned but stopped when you heard his voice "You ok?" you swallowed and tried not to let your voice shake "Y-yeah." You wanted to punch yourself you sounded so pathetic. 

Suddenly he hugged you "Dont lie to me." You started crying and shaking once more thinking about the nights events "I had a nightmare he came back for me then Melody scared me and I saw someone outside and and-" He started petting your head "Shh, its ok, no ones outside you know that." You sniffled as he walked you to the bed letting you get comfy before slipping in beside you and pulling you close to him "No one can hurt you, not while your in my arms." You snuggled more into his chest letting the feeling of his protective hold on you calm your mind back into a sleepy state, you know hes right, its not safe out there the only place thats safe is beside Mic. 

(508 Words)

Is this just Wake Up {Mic} with a bit of a different plot....possibly😶

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