Blanket {Neko EraserMic}

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"Do you guys wanna see something cool?" They both turned to you with curious looks "Sure." "What ya got babe?" You stood in the doorway and held a blanket up above your head and when it dropped you were gone "F/n!?" "Where did you go!?" The both stood spazzing out until you ran back into the room "Hey, its just a trick im ri-" You were tackled to the ground by the two "Dont leave us!" "Don't do that again!" You tried to get up but they were both tangled up with you "Uh, sorry?" 

Mic placed his face in your neck "You should be, you scared us." "If we're gonna cuddle can we at least go to the bed?" Aizawa looked over your shoulder "No but the sun is shining right onto the couch Hizashi." You were between them on the couch before you could even blink "As an apology you should take a cat nap with us." You sighed, as if you had a choice "Sure." 

(182 Words)

Requested by: Nikkoyagi

You basically did this to them { }

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