Grown {Aizawa}

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You were washing the dished as the baby monitor light up alerting you to your babies crying "Mommy's coming b/n, hold on!" He suddenly stopped crying causing you to panic and run to his room, you frozen in the doorway. Aizawa, the supposed to be fictional character Aizawa, was rocking your baby in his arms. He looked up at you with a smile "Well look at you all grown up, last time we saw each other you had to be in middle maybe high school." "I- Im dreaming." You pinched yourself but nothing happened "No your awake kitten."

"How!?" "Well you just abandoned me and kept ignoring all the sighs I sent you so I thought I would come to you personally." "I didn't abandon you I just, uh..." "He raised an eyebrow "Moved on with your life? Sounds like abandoning to me." "I was planing on coming back but life just, got busy." "Yeah I know I watched it all from behind your screens, the graduation, getting your dream job, falling in love with that homewrecker, and then bring home this adorable thing." He booped your sons nose causing a little baby laugh "Homewrecker? H/n isn't a homewrecker."

"He isn't? So hes not the one that bullied you out of the things you loved to be 'normal'?" You opened your mouth then closed it "Thats what I thought. All ways telling you how stupid it was to like anime guys or how reading fan fiction was weird, but I guess their right love is blind and you were blind to him taking you away from me. Dont fault me now, I tried to be nice and share but hes the one that took my time with you." Before you could speak you were wrapped in the scarf and pulled to him "You and B/n are coming with me."

(529 Words)

I cant get these thought out my head; 

Mic handing upside down by his ankle trying to explain himself in the teachers lounge by Aizawa's scarf because Mic tried to shoot his shot with Aizawa's {Adult obviously} daughter and Midnight is rolling on the ground because she knows Aizawa's daughter has had a crush on Mic since she was a teenager so the shot had to have hit the bullseye and Aizawa's just fuming and all the rest of the teachers are trying and almost failing to hold Aizawa back to save Mic's life while Nezu is kinda just sitting there with tea and in a sarcastic tone goes "No Aizawa dont kill him." Because your like a granddaughter to Nezu


{Your Aizawa's sister but your a bit younger then him, he had to practically raise you because yall parents weren't shit} Aizawa bursting into the teachers lounge fuming and scaring everyone "You fucked my sister!" Mic is scrambling to try and find a way out/safe cover while trying to explain while everyone else is trying to hold Aizawa back while he threaten Mic's life. Midnight sitting wide eyed with her hand over her mouth because she thought Mic was lying and she knows Aizawa gonna come for her next because she knew and said nothing

Sorry to good not to share honestly 🤣

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