Wife {Aizawa}

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You were sitting at the bar waiting for the hero gala to be over, you find it ridiculous that hero spouses have to come to these things. "Hi." You looked up to see the number three hero Best Jeanist "Oh hello." He sat next to you "How are you this evening?" "Could be better." He took the drink the lady behind the bar gave him and slid it to you "And what can I do to make your evening better?" Before you could answer you felt a grip on your shoulder "You can leave for starters." You looked up to see your husband.

Jeanist smirked "Hello Eraserhead, can I help you?" Aizawa didn't respond, he threw you over his shoulder and walked right out the gala

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Jeanist smirked "Hello Eraserhead, can I help you?" Aizawa didn't respond, he threw you over his shoulder and walked right out the gala. He threw you into the passenger seat before driving off "Sho what the hell was that!" He didn't answer just gripped the wheel a bit harder "You can't just treat me like some kinda rag doll, I was having a conversation-" You were cut off by him slamming the breaks causing you to be jerked forward a bit, he then turned to face you "He was hitting on whats mine." "'Mine'? Shota im my own person, you know what let me out the car Mic can give me a ride home when its over."

You reached for the handle but he locked the door, he then grabbed your face and yanked you to face him "Your my wife therefore you are mine. I dont even like when others look at whats mine much less when they think they can steal it." He let you go as he started driving again "Your coming home with me so just sit back and remember who you belong to before I have to remind you kitten."

(323 Words)

Requested by: BlackPikachu_13

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