Missing {Mineta}

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You came down stairs "Did any of you mess with my laundry?" Everyone looked around as they shook their heads no "Why?" "My favorite pair of underwear is missing." Everyone apologized but kept their innocent claim, you sighed and went back to your room to fold your laundry. You were sitting on the floor grabbing a shirt when you heard the click of a camera. You frantically looked around but didn't see anything, you got up and closed the blinds to your balcony anyways. After folding it was time for bed, you curled up under the blanket but but the feeling of being watched never left you.

Finally you could no longer take the knot in your stomach and stood making your way to the floor above you. You knocked on the door and soon a half asleep Midoriya answered "Yes?" "Sorry dude, can I sleep with you? My dorm room has been giving me the creeps lately." The dorm room next to his opened and Mineta peeked out "You can stay in here L/n." "Ew." Midoriya grabbed your wrist and lead you inside shutting and locking his door before crashing back onto the bed. You crawled over him and snuggled into yourself on you side "Thanks man." 

"No problem, you should tell Aizawa-sensei you feel watched in your dorm the league may have found a way to bug us." You nodded already falling asleep. Mineta pulled his ear from the wall, you can't tell Aizawa! He'll for sure find the camaras!

(254 Words)

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