Komori {EraserMic}

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"Welcome home!" You cheered from the floor as you were playing with blocks with Eri "Hey F/n, wheres Hitoshi?" You gave Mic a smile "Midoriya came over to study, again." Aizawa sighed "Why, why him." You and Mic laughed as he walked to his study, Mic pulled you into a hug "Whats for dinner good looking?" You moved from his arms "Soboro Don and watch your hands perv." He gave you a smile at your playful zing "Can't fault a man for trying." You poked his chest "I can if hes married and my boss."

A few hours later everyone was down for dinner, including Midoriya. You walked by Aizawa to go sit but he grabbed you pulling you onto his lap "Look you get the comfiest seat in the house." Before you could reply Midoriya spoke up "Ms. L/n are you Hitoshi's mom?" You gave a nervous laugh getting off Aizawa's lap "No im just the Komori, but I have been here since he was a baby." Mic gave you a smirk "She could be if she wanted." You threw a bread roll at him "Ya married!" This has always been how you guys are play flirting and rejection, you think your playfulness with them is another reason they chose you from all the others they interviewed.

After dinner you were tucking in a tired Eri, you gave her a kiss on the forehead "I wish you were my mommy." "Why?" "Because whats gonna happen when me and Toshi grow up? Are you gonna leave us F/n-chan?" She looked ready to cry "Oh sweetie come here." She crawled into your lap as you cradled her "Wanna sleep in my room?" She snuggled out a "Yes." So you carried her to your room and you were both clocked out fast. A bit later your door slowly creaked open and two figures crept in.

Mic took out his phone and snapped some pictures whispering to his husband "Ah, their so cute." Aizawa sat on the edge of the bed careful not to wake you "Did you hear how sad Eri sounded?" "Yeah, but F/n isn't gonna leave us." Aizawa scowled at your sleeping form "But she will, Mic we tried things your way and its only prolonging whats inevitable, uts time to try my way." Mic frowned looking to you "But what if we scare her off?" "We won't. Promise." Mic was hesitant but sighed "Fine, but your way better work I dont wanna lose out songbird anymore then Eri doesn't." 

(468 Words)

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