What goes around comes around {EraserMic and You}

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They couldn't have been happier, its been years since they finally molded you into what they wanted. Midnight was allowed to come over for dinner, since they still are wary only approved people can visit still. She walked in and immediately hugged Aizawa wrapping her arms around him and squeezed his butt causing him to jump and yelp out of surprise. She turned to Mic giving him a kiss on the cheek "I missed you guys." "We missed you to Kayama." 

She saw you standing off to the side and tried to hug you but you moved away walking to the kitchen "I should check on dinner." Aizawa walked in after you, he opened his mouth to speak but Midnight and Mic joined him in the kitchen and he just walked away to set the table. After dinner you all sat on the couch, you in between Mic and Midnight as Aizawa curled into Mic. After the movie Midnight stood and stretched "I better be getting home." You stood and walked her out without so much as a goodbye. 

They were quickly behind you "You were so rude to Kayama and for what?" You turned to face them "Cut her off, I dont want you guys associating with her anymore." Mic was taken aback "And why is that?" "You two didn't give me a reason when you told me to cut my friends off so I dont have to either." Mic frowned "Songbird if you loved us-" He was cut off by your neutral expression turning into one of sadness "If you loved me you would cut her off. I feel like you guys like her better than me you even let her do things you dont even allow me to do to you."

You were now crying and they both stopped, they hadn't thought Midnight could be seen as 'competition' they thought they made it very clear they wanted you and only you  Mic hugged you "Were sorry baby, we didn't even realize." You started crying harder "Thats even worse, it just shows im right. Do you even still love me?" Aizawa quickly joined the hug "Of course we do kitten, we promise to stop hanging around with Midnight." You pulled back giving them a small smile threw the tears that warmed their hearts. "Let me go get some snacks and we can watch another movie just us." They both walked into the kitchen and you smiled wiping your face.... that was even more believable than when you practiced it in the mirror. They had molded you alright, molded you into an even better version of themselves. 

(455 Words)

Requested by: songsolar888

I hope its good this is the first request like this 😀

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