Miriko x Neko Headcanons

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How Miriko would act with a darling whos Neko

*She loves to scratch your ears 

*Shes gonna put a collar on you, you can pick it out but if you like, you dont have a choice you have to wear it

*Likes when you take a nap on her lap, you dont get a choice if you taking a nap and shes home its on her lap 

*Petting you is her stress relief

*She'll buy you whatever you want, your kitten eyes are her kryptonite

*The first time she saw you she was overjoyed, she doesn't get to meet to many anime type quirks similar to hers while on the job

*Got super attracted to you to the point you traded agency, so naive thinking that was enough to escape her

*She'll declaw you so you cant her hurt or yourself

*Loves when your eyes do that expand thing 

*Gives you catnip so you'll be chill and let her cuddle you

*You can pet her ears but her tail is off limits 

*Your tail however, she will demand it to be wrapped around her while you cuddle

*No one is allowed around you and vise versa

*Your allowed outside, you need to get your zoomies out, so she has a huge backyard that closed off all for you with a bunch of things for you to do

*Likes to dress you up like her own personal doll 

*If you behave she might bring you out and introduce you to her friends, only if you behave

*Slowly, if your good, you'll get more and more privileges but you'll never be truly free  

(280 Words)

Requested by: noswagjustpain

Love the username 😂

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