'Dont Leave Me Again.' {Mic}

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Mic was finally able to go home after an almost two month mission in America, he was tired and his whole body felt like jelly so he dropped his hero gear where ever it landed as he made his way to his bedroom. By the time he got to his room be was in nothing but his boxers and bandages, he went to his dresser and got into his favorite pajamas before turning to his bed. He then noticed the silhouette of a body underneath his blankets. He tiptoed over and found his sweet songbird wearing his shirt while wrapped in his blanket, he was so tied he forgot to go check your room when he got home. 

He couldn't help but smiled as he carefully, as to not wake you, slipped his bed behind you only for you to turn and snuggle into him "Mhm, welcome home." He patted your head a bit "I missed you." He his smile widened, were you sleep talking? Half asleep? He could care less you're just being so honest right now, he needs to know so he focused all his energy into whispering "Really?" "Yeah." You stopped and he thought that was it till you sturied again "Dont leave me again." He couldn't stop the little awe that came out as he wrapped you into his arms "I love when your half asleep and finally speaking your mind."

He woke up the next morning to an empty bed, he made his way downstairs to find his hero gear now was picked up were it belonged and the smell of coffee was coming from the kitchen. He went in the kitchen to see you cooking, he wrapped you in a hug from behind "Morning my melody." You leaned into him "Morning Zashi, coffee?" 

(301 Words)

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