Stake {Mic}

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You were knocked onto your back by the power of his attack, Mic was looming over you keeping your arms pinned above you. He moved down to your neck and you started thrashing harder "No! Please Mic! I trusted you you bastard!" You shrieked as teeth punctured your neck with a dark chuckle.  

You sat atop the old church, you still can't believe this thing is still standing after all its been so many decades since it happened. "Missed me listener?" If your blood still ran through your veins it would have boiled "No, in fact I was hoping someone had driven a stake threw your heart by now." He laughed placing his chin on your shoulder and smiling at his bite "Such a pretty mark." You turned tackling him causing you both to fall off the roof and hit the ground, he started laughing hard "I think we landed right were I turned you dear. You still look as beautiful as you did that day."

"Shut up!" You stood and he quickly followed "Why do you keep coming just to remind me of the worst day of my life!?" He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to him "I dont mean to remind you that I turned you into one of my kind but you keep running from me, the only time I know were you are is on this date when you come back to the spot it happened to sulk like a child. You always run off before I can explain why I did what I did." "Im not sulking! And im right here, so why, why did you ruin my life?"

"You were the only one to give me a chance, you weren't scared of me just because other said I was some blood thirsty monster. You looked past my non beating heart and got to know me the real me. I had to turn you because I couldn't bare to be undead in a world you weren't in, its why I keep trying to hunt you down, I want to spend our eternities together my love." You pulled out of his grip "Hizashi if you had asked I would have happily turned for you but you took my choice away, its your fault I was shunned as a monster by my own family and ran out of my town by hunters. Im taking my choice back, I would rather spend the rest of my long life alone then with you." "But you love me-" "I loved you back then, but now, those feelings have long ago been replaced with hatred. You can stop trying to hunt me down now you've explained and i've chosen."

You turned to run off but he grabbed you pinning you once again "You dont get to leave me again! Your 'alive' right now because of me! Your mine and your just going to have to accept that my love because we have a long happy life ahead of us."

(501 Words)

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