It's All in the Fizz

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Gabby's POV: When I heard Antonio explain why people who are trying to say sober drink ginger ale, I totally agreed. However, Matt should've already known that. "You know Matt, even though you weren't here for this pregnancy...I do recall telling you the rules when we got pregnant the first time around." 

Matt turned to look at me as I grabbed some ginger ale and brought it to Antonio. "Right, it's just...a lot has happened since then that I don't remember stuff from 3 years ago." I then looked at him, shocked. "Okay, you are lucky it was a little thing." Matt then nodded. "Trust me, I know. Antonio, I ever tell you how I know Gabby is pissed at me?"

I just stared at him, confused. I then heard Antonio look at him. "No, how?" Matt smiled at me. "The faster she yells, the more pissed she is." I looked at him confused. "What does speed have to do when it comes to me being mad?" Matt smiled again. "When you are full speed, you are speaking entirely in Spanish." 

I blushed and nodded. "There's a reason for that. It's called...I don't want to offend you. I remember the first time around. God, this fight was so little. It was something about the placement of our apartment. I was swearing all up and down in Spanish. But you, you just sat there and let me finish. God, I said some things that I regretted."

Matt nodded. "Well, that is going to have to change. First of all, we agreed to communicate more and second of all, if you want Matteo to be need to keep the swearing down." I then turned to look at Antonio. "The same goes for you. I know aldermen who have kids that are going to be going to a school around here like Matteo...and they are hispanic."

Antonio then looked at him. "You still keep up with the politics?" Matt nodded. "Actually, I was asked to be a delegate to the 2020 DNC." I was shocked when he said that. "And you said no?"

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