I'm Sore Everywhere

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Gabby's POV: When Matt asked me where I'm sore, I couldn't help but groan. I then told him exactly where I'm sore. "I'm sore everywhere. God, I haven't done that in almost 2 years." Matt nodded, realizing how hard it was. "You regretting going back this soon?" I shook my head. "No, I need to go back. It gets boring around here when I'm alone with Matteo."

Matt agreed when I said that before getting up and walking over to me. He then put his hands on my waist and looked down at me. "Go take a bath okay? That'll probably help. Then, if you want...I can join you in bed and we can either relax or you can sleep in my arms." I nodded, liking that idea. "That sounds perfect." I moved to rub his arms and smiled.

Matt then moved to kiss me softly as we stood close to one another. I then moved my hands to the top of his chest and smiled. "Calm down, he's here with us. However, we could put him in the nursery now that we have the baby monitor." Matt nodded and smiled. "We can put him there but only because we are going to cuddle in bed. You need rest."

I nodded and agreed before kissing his cheek. "He's not asleep yet so just stay out here with him and spend some bonding time with him. When he falls asleep, put him in the nursery and then come to bed with me okay?" Matt nodded and smiled, agreeing before letting me go. "See you in about an hour probably." I nodded while walking away to the bedroom, ready to take a bath.

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