Chapter 447

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Matt's POV: After joining Gabby in bed, I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her and brought her close to me. Slipping her legs in between mine, she smiled as she laid her head down next to me and grabbed my hand. "I had a great day today with you." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Me too. I feel like today was the most normal day we've had in a long time."

I couldn't help but agree. There was no drama, no problems and everything just went perfectly. I then felt Gabby slip her legs in between mine and I smiled while wrapping my arm around her. "How long do you think before Matteo sleeps through the night?" Gabby smiled. "Soon, I am sure. We have him down to one feeding. If you want, we can stay up until then. That way, we don't have to wake up to feed him."

I thought about it and shook my head. "Then we'll be tired tomorrow and won't want to hang out with Jay and Erin if they come." That's when we heard Gabby's phone. I then went to check it for her. "I mean when they come. They asked to come around 11?" Gabby looked at me and smiled. "If that's okay with you?" I nodded and smiled, leaning down to kiss her. "What do I text them back?" 

Gabby smiled. "Just give me my phone." Gabby then rolled over in my arms and grabbed her phone. She then went to text Erin back while I moved my hand to her leg, holding her back against my chest. Gabby smiled when I did that before sending the text. She then waiting for a final response before plugging it in. "They'll be here at 11 tomorrow." I smiled when she said that before bringing her close to my chest. Bending down to kiss her, I smiled as we took it slow in bed. 

"God, I love you." Gabby smiled when I said that. "I love you too." She then gave me a quick kiss again before eventually cuddling up to me. We then spent the next few hours talking about random things. We tried to keep serious topics for during the day and when it got too serious, we shared a kiss and stuff just went back to being fun. This night was probably one of the best in a long time. We were laughing and having fun. And we didn't even have sex.

However, after a few hours and another late night (around 1 am) feeding, we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms around 2 am. It was a perfect night to end a perfect day. Let's hope for another one tomorrow.

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