Lakeshore Hospital Search Part 2

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Matt's POV: After following the music as far as we could, we saw that the doors to the next hallway were bolted shut. I then sighed when I tried to pull them before seeing the window wasn't boarded up. I looked around for something I could use to break the glass. Unfortunately, I could find any. I looked at Antonio. "Listen, I am going to call Severide."

Antonio looked at me, confused. "What, why?" I stared at him. "He's Squad Captain. It's his specialty to get in stuff like this." I then went to grab my phone and went to call the firehouse. That's when Chief Boden picked up. "Matt, what's up?" "Chief, my nephew is missing and we tracked him down to the old Lakeshore hospital. I'm here with Antonio and we're searching for him but...we're stuck. Can we get assistance from squad?"

Chief then agreed. "You guys in the building already?" I then agreed. "Yes." I then looked around for the location. "Wing B" Chief then replied. "Can you meet the guys at the front?" I turned to look at Antonio and sighed. "Stay here, 5 mins tops. Squad is coming. I'm going to get them." Antonio nodded and then looked at me. "Get them to meet me at the front." Chief then replied. "They're on their way." I then hung up and ran away to the front to meet Severide.

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