77. Insomniac (this is hilarious 🤣)

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Based on the song "Insomniac" by Dreamers,, specifically the line "Stoned at home, i cant sleep, i cant wait till morning"

I know this is way different than what i usually write, but hopefully you guys like it anyways.

For the record, i wrote this at 4:20am while high as fuck and very sleep deprived. Enjoy this hilarity 🤣 i apologize for any errors, i was very high when i wrote this


Trigger warning: drug use (if that wasnt obvious already)

Chloe's POV:

Im sitting in my room at 2:30am blasting music with rave lights flashing smoking my dab pen. I hit it until I am very stoned. Once I'm too high to comprehend anything I put my dab pen back in the drawer of my dresser and turn my light on to see how much I hotboxed my room. Immediately I see clouds of vapor floating all around my room and the air smells very heavily of weed; specifically carts.  My high ass finds this absolutley hilarious and decides to call my boyfriend Andy to tell him about my situation.

"I swear if you're calling me because you're high again..." is what Andy answers the phone with.

I am way too stoned to respond with words right now, so instead I laughed my goddamn ass off.

"Yep... you're high... come'ere Stoney...let me see you're high ass..." Andy says and requests video.

I answer and the first thing Andy sees when I turn my camera on is my squinty, red eyes and me laughing my fucking ass off.

"Oh jesus you're fucking stoned!" Andy says and laughs at my high behaviour.

"I hotboxed the fuck out of my room!" I try to say through my giggles but it just sounds like a laughing heyena trying to talk.

"You what now?" Andy laughs, clearly finding this hilarious.

"I hotboxed....the living fuck.....out of my room....and i dont know what to about it." I whisper, finally somewhay controling my laughter enough to speak.

"Thats it im coming over. I dont trust your high ass over there." Andy says, sounding a little annoyed but still amused.

"YAYYYYYY I GET TO SEE MY BOYFRIEND!!!!" I laugh and collaps on my bed laughing my ass off once again.

"Yea...point made.... I'll be there soon." He says before hanging up.

A few minutes later i see my bedroom door open and a tall skinny figure walking towards me.

Andy’s here!!!

"Umm...its a little hazy in here." Andy says and walks over to my window, opening it to let the weed smell in the room air out.

"You're fucking hilarious when you're high." Andy says and sits in my bed with me.

I continue to laugh my ass off and act like a crackhead for a little while longer before dragging Andy into the kitchen so I could make food because now I have the munchies from the weed.

"I want pizza rolls and ranch!!!!!" I laugh as i take the bag of tostinos pizza rolls out of the freezer and put all 24 of them on a plate and stick it in the microwave for 2 minutes while Andy laughs at me and rolls his eyes.

I tell Andy to get the regular ranch as well as chipotle ranch out of the refrigerator and he does. He hands me the ranches and then the microwave goes off. I squirt the ranch into all the pizza rolls, half with regular and half with Chipotle, and take them back upstairs to my room with Andy following behind me, still finding my antics hilarious.

Andy and I sit on my bed together and he puts on a movie on my tv while we eat the pizza rolls. After we're done eating, the high as mostly warn off and im just tired now. Eating always sobers me up a bit. Andy sees how tired I am and lets me crawl in his lap and curl up. I put my head on his shoulder and bury my face in his neck, wraping my arms tightly around him.

"I love you so much, my Andybear. Thank you for always taking care of me." I say and kiss him quickly before returning to my positon of laying on his shoulder and I fall asleep in his arms, with him holding my and playing with my hair.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now