84. Left Outside Alone

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AAA Sorry ive been gone again. I started school again and was trying to adjust to it. I promise I'll try to be more on top of updating.

Also, i started a BVB fanpage on instagram if anyone wants to follow it, I'd appreciate it!! The username is Andys_better_angels

Anyways, onto the story.


Title credit: Left Outside Alone- Blind Channel

Trigger warning: self harm

Raven's POV:

"Fuck this shit. I fucking hate English." I say to myself as I sit at my computer, trying to finish the stupid essay I've been working on for the last week. Its due tomorrow at midnight, and I'm only half way done. I hate that my schoolwork is taking time away from my boyfriend Andy, but I really need to get this done. I continue trying and trying to make my sentences longer so I can meet the word count without it sounding stupid when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I sigh.

"Not now, Andy. I have to finish this. I'll cuddle you later, okay?" I say, slightly annoyed. He knows not to bother me when I'm working, but does it anyway. I love him, but he's distracting me too much to get anything done.

"But you said that earlier...and yesterday...and the day before that...all week actually...I miss you..." Andy says, sounding slightly hurt.

"Andy stop it. I need to finish this. I'm not in the mood to deal with you, okay? Please just get out and leave me alone." I say, pushing his arms off me and turning to face him.

"Please just for a few minutes? I need it..." Andy whispers, sounding even more sad.

"No Andy! How many times do I have to fucking tell you?! LEAVE! ME! ALONE! GET OUT!" I scream and point to the door, fed up with him.

"But-" Andy starts, but I cut him off.

"No buts! God you are so annoying and needy! Just get the hell out of this room and let me finish this! God do you ever fucking listen?!" I yell even louder, not even thinking about what I'm saying.

Andy looks at me, heartbroken, whispers "sorry", then leaves, closing the door behind him.

I put my head on the desk and try to calm down before going back to my assignment.

Andy's POV:

"No buts! God you are so annoying and needy! Just get the hell out of this room and let me finish this! God do you ever fucking listen?!" Raven yells at me. I feel my eyes filling with tears, but I hide it from her.

"Sorry." I whisper before leaving the room and closing the door.

As soon as I'm out of the room, the tears I've been holding in this whole time fall. Why do I have to be such a fuck up? I didn't mean to make her mad...I just wanted a hug....

I go to the bathroom and close the door behind me and sit on the floor against the bathtub. I would've locked it, but Raven took the locks off all doors when she found out about my self harm. But she doesn't care about me anymore.

The longer I sit here, the harder I cry until my vision is blurry from the tears and I can't breathe through my sobs. I try to stay quiet so Raven doesn't hear, but just end up crying harder. I'd do anything for a hug right now, but Raven hates me and she's the only person I want a hug from. Her hugs are the only thing that ever make me feel better. But I made her hate me, and I'll probably never feel her hugs again.

That thought sends me over the edge and I take out my phone and take the case off, taking put the blade I keep hidden in case I ever needed it. I haven't done this in so long, but I deserve it for making Raven mad at me. I should've just listened to her and left her alone. Then maybe she would still love me. Before I even realize it, my entire left arm is covered in blood and cuts. Before I can do anything about it, the door opens and I freeze.

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