90. Safe And Sound

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AAAA Sorry for the wait!!! Classes and work are literally taking all my time goddammit. I have so many chapters started that I haven't got around to finishing yet but i swear there's more coming soon🖤


Title credit: Safe And Sound- Point North

Raven's POV:

"Vinny, your order is ready." I say as I put the cup on the counter. I work at the Starbucks across the street from my school so its easy to get here after classes. As I'm making another order, I see my best friend Andy come in.

"Hi Andy! You want your usual?" I ask as I go to the register. He nods.

"Okay, got it. Don't worry about it, its on me." I say before he swipes his card. He had a rough day at school so I wanna do something nice for him.

The other kids in our school are hella mean to him because he doesn't talk. His dad is an absolute asshat and used to hurt him constantly, and made him so scared to speak that he can't anymore. He's in jail now, and last Andy told me he lives in a group home since his mom died while giving birth to him, which is why his dad hates him.

Andy signs "thank you" before going over to wait for his drink.

I make his drink and give it to him, and as he goes to sit down, I notice the kids from our class who like to give him a hard time are here. If they bother him, I swear to fuck they're gonna fuckin get it.

"Jack, look, mute's here." Alex says, laughing.

"Hey, mute. Still can't speak, huh?" Jack says, laughing also.

Andy keeps his head down and tries to hide in his seat, clearly getting anxious.

I notice Jack and Alex making balls with the napkins and throwing them at Andy, trying to get him to speak.

"Careful Jack, he's probably dangerous. Its always the quiet ones that turn out to be serial killers. Wouldn't wanna piss him off." Alex says.

"Oh shit you're right. He'll probably write us in his death note or some shit. Fuckin loser." Jack says.

I see that Andy's getting more and more uncomfortable, now covering his ears so he can't hear them anymore.

"I heard he slit his throat and cut his vocal chords and that's why he can't talk. Fuckin deserves it. Saves us from having to hear him. It's bad enough we have to see him" Alex says, him and Jack laughing hysterically.

I see Andy flinch at that comment and my heart breaks for him. That's it. I tell my manager that some kids are picking on Andy and that I need to go deal with it. My manager loves Andy, and tells me that if I need to I can say I'm a manager and kick them out.

"Guys, stop it. You're not funny." I say as I go around the counter and over to their table.

"What? We're just messing around." Alex says, trying to sound innocent.

"No, you're not. You're picking on him for something he can't control. How would you feel if you were in his place and were so traumatized that it took your ability to speak, and then had people constantly spreading false rumors and making fun of you for it? Wouldn't be so funny, right? Now shut the fuck up and get out. You guys aren't allowed to be here anymore." I say, yelling slightly.

"You're not in charge of us. You shut up. You're not a manager, so you can't tell us what to do." Alex says.

"Actually I am a manager, and either you can get out or I can call the cops and have them arrest you for trespassing after being told to leave and for assaulting another customer. Whatever you want." I say, taking my phone out and dialing 911 so they know I'm serious.

"Whatever, lets go Jack. My mom will kill me if I get in trouble with the cops again." Alex says, him and Jack finally leaving.

After they leave, I go over to Andy to check on him. I see that he's shaking and hyperventilating slightly, and trying not to cry, making my heart break even more for him.

"You okay, love?" I ask, sitting in the booth next to him.

Andy looks up at me with teary eyes and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry about them, honey. I'll make sure they never say anything like that again, okay? They're banned from here and can't come back. You're safe here, love." I say softly, trying to make him feel a little better.

Andy sniffles and looks down, starting to cry quietly.

"Do you want a hug, honey?" I ask, not wanting to scare him. Andy nods and moves closer to me, hugging me tight and hiding his face in my chest, shaking even more now. I hug him back just as tight and rub his back, trying to comfort him somehow.

"It's okay, love. I got you. You're safe now, it's okay." I say, holding him even tighter when he starts to cry harder.

"I'll protect you, okay? I'll never let them do or say anything to hurt you ever again. You don't deserve it at all, I promise." I say, stroking Andy's hair as he curls up in my arms.

As I'm holding Andy, I see my manager walking up to me.

"Rav, I clocked you out, okay? I think you're friend needs you more right now. If you left anything in the back, I can grab it for you. Also, those idiots are definitely not allowed here. If I ever see them again, I'm calling the cops, and you do the same if I'm not here. Everything they did and said is also on our cameras, so we have proof if it's ever needed." He says quietly, as to not startle Andy.

"Thanks. I didn't leave anything here, I keep my crap in my car. And yea if they ever come here again, the cops are getting involved." I say, feeling Andy shake harder at the mention of them, so I hold him even closer to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Rave." He says before walking away.

"See Ands, everyone here is on your side too, okay? You're not alone, love." I say, trying to comfort him in any way I can.

After a few minutes, Andy pulls away, still crying, and takes out his notebook he uses to communicate. He writes something down then shows me.

"Thanks for helping me. You know how I told you my dad got arrested for being abusive?" He wrote. I nod and pass him the notebook.

"He's back. He got out early on "good behavior" last week. They made me go back to him. He hasn't changed. He's worse now." Andy writes, crying even harder and covering his face with his hands. I pull him back into my arms, holding him tight and playing with his hair.

"You're not going back there. Come stay with me and my brother. Chris loves you, he won't mind. No way in hell am I ever letting anyone hurt you ever again. Come stay with us, okay?" I say, holding Andy even tighter. He nods, trying to calm himself down. After he calms down a bit, he writes in his notebook again.

"Are you sure? I don’t wanna cause any problems for you." He writes.

"Andy, you won't cause any problems. Like I said, Chris fuckin loves you. He won't have any problem with it, okay?" I say, wrapping my arm around his shoulders.

"Okay, if you're sure..." Andy writes, leaning against me.

"Of course I am. Come on, lets go home, okay? Chris will love to have you with us. He already sees you as a little brother." I say, standing up and holding my hand out for Andy. He wiped his eyes and stands up, taking my hand as we leave and walk to my house.

No one will ever hurt him again as long as I'm around. I will protect him with everything in me always.

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