9. Fighting

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A/N: warning: mentions depression, abuse, self harm, and possible other triggering topics. This will also be hella long, so be prepared. Also, Juliet is lesbian in this story. Word count: 3793

Andy's POV:

After Ashley and I's fight, I ran out of the apartment and ran down the street to the park. I sat quietly on the swings, as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. It was really dark and cold out and I knew that if I went back to Ash's apartment, it would just make things worse. And I didn't exactly want to see him right now. I decided to go to the only person I could trust and who I would allow to see me sad and upset like this: Raven. My best friend and also my ex-girlfriend. I know it's weird that I'm still friends with my ex, but there's a good reason. I dated her before I realized I was gay. When I realized it, I was so scared to tell her because I was so afraid of losing her. She was the only person who knew how to calm me down when I was crying or having a panic attack, and she didn't care if I spent hours crying on her shoulder (which happened more than it should have). She just sat with me and held me until I felt better. She was the only person I could trust. I didn't want the fact that I was gay to change that. I was terrified of telling her, until one day she flat out asked me.


"Andy, can you come here for a minute?" My girlfriend Raven called from the living room.

I walked in and sat on the couch next to her. I was so scared of what she was going to say and I almost had a panic attack just thinking about it. I was so worried that she had figured out that I was gay and liked Ashley and I thought she was going to leave me. I felt tears form in my eyes at the thought of it and I tried my best to keep them in.

"Andy, love, it's okay. You don't have to be scared. I just want to ask you something, okay?" She said in her sweet calm voice as she gently rested her hand on my back. I nodded.

"Andy, please don't take this the wrong way. I just want you to be honest with me... Are-are you....g-gay? I see the way you look at Ashley. I just want to know.. a-are you?" She asked as she looked me in my eyes. Her eyes were filled with nothing but love and compassion and I felt like I could finally be honest with her.

Once again I felt my eyes fill with tears and before I could stop them, they fell down my face. I shut my eyes as tightly as I could and nodded as more tears fell from my tightly shut eyes and I let out a few sobs.

"Aww Andy, come here love." She said as she pulled me onto her lap and held me tightly. I hugged her back and laid my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry" I said in between sobs.

She laughed a little and said "Andy you have nothing to apologize for. It's okay. I completely understand, Honey. I'm not mad at you. I'm always gonna be here for you" We hugged for a few more minutes and then she spoke again.

"You know... I haven't exactly been completely honest with you either... I'm bisexual..." she said nervously.

"You are?"

"Yes.. and I think I might be into someone.."


"Her name's Juliet. She's around my height, has long brown hair with blond tips, and is really hot. She's also sweet, nice, caring, and single."

"Aww cute! Are you gonna ask her out?"

"I'm not sure if she's gay."

"You won't know unless you ask her"

"Okay.. I'll ask her out.. on one condition.."

"What's that?"

"You ask out Ash"

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now