5. His anxiety (part 2) (Andy's POV)

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——Andy's POV————————————————

Raven and I were sitting in history class while our teacher was explaining that we were doing a group project and that we'd have to make a google slide presentation and then present it to the class. Raven and I looked at each other mischievously and pushed our desks together. The teacher walked around giving everyone their topics, and when she got to us, I don't know what happened, but I started getting really nervous and I think Raven noticed.

When our teacher walked away, we started working on our project. Soon, the teacher called time and called the first group up to present. I started getting really nervous and Raven definitely noticed. I started breathing really heavily and shaking. She tried to put her arm around me but I flinched before she could.

"Andy? What's wrong?" She whispered. I didn't answer. A few seconds later, the teacher called on us to present. Great. Perfect timing.

"Are you gonna be okay to do this?" Raven asked me. I nodded as we walked to the front of the room. She plugged in her computer and looked at me to see if I was still okay. She started talking to the class and looked over at me again. I looked back at her and felt something snap in me. Before I freaked out in front of the whole class, I ran out of the room. I ran down the hall and as I was running, I could feel hot stinging tears falling down my face. Before I could make it to the bathroom, I fell on the floor, having the worst panic attack of my life. Another student walked by me causing me to panic even more.

"Andy? You good, man?" He asked. He sounded kinda weirded out, but I mean who wouldn't be? Hello, there's a random dude crying in the middle of the hallway. That's not weird at all. I nodded in response to him.

"You sure?" He asked. Again, I nodded.

"Alright. Just call me if you need something." He said as he patted my shoulder before walking back to his class.

A few minutes later, Raven found me. Thank god it was her and not some other random person. She ran over to me and realized what was happening.

She tried to put her arm around me again, but I flinched, making her think I was scared of her.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you" She whispered as she held onto my arm. I didn't flinch that time since I knew she was going to do that.

"Don't freak out. Your okay." She said as she gently put her arm around me. I didn't flinch this time mainly because I really needed her to help me and her hugs always make me feel better.

She realized that I was hyperventilating a lot, so she told me to count to 10 out loud as slowly as I could so that I could breath better.

I started counting, but couldn't stop hyperventilating between the numbers. She rubbed my back to guide my breathing and by the time I got to 10, I could breath somewhat better.

She asked me if I wanted water and I nodded. She ran to the vending machine down the hall and got water. She ran back over to me and handed me the water as she sat back down and put her arm back around me. I drank some of the water and then felt this huge wave of sadness hit me.

I turned towards her and laid my head on her shoulder and before I could stop them, a few tears fell from my eyes and onto her shirt. I was still shaking pretty bad and my heart felt like it was going to explode. She held my head on her shoulder and hugged me around my waist with her other. I hugged her tighter as I started to cry harder. She held me tighter and alternated between rubbing my back, hugging me really tightly, and playing with my hair.

"It's okay. I got you. Nothing can hurt you here" she said softly as I continued to cry harder. I started shaking even more now, and almost started hyperventilating again.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now