21. Sometimes even saviours need saving

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"I don't get it.." my boyfriend Andy whispered from sitting next to me on the couch.

He was sitting with his legs pulled up to his chest resting his chin on his knees and had his Batman blanket wrapped around him. He was in one of his low moods and this time instead of either clinging to me and not letting go or completely shutting himself away, he's a mix of both. Like he'll sit next to me but won't cuddle up to me. It kills me seeing him like this cause all I want to do is attack him with as many hugs as I possibly can and to show him how much I love him, but I can't.

"What don't you get babe?" I asked as I turned my attention away from the TV and towards him.

"Why you're with me. Me of all people. You could be with any guy you want, yet you chose me. You can do so much better than me. Someone who won't have panic attacks every day. Someone who isn't a depressed mess all the time. Someone who is actually strong enough to protect you. Someone who won't go from being overly clingy to being distant and cold towards you. So why me?" He whispered breaking down in tears at the end.

"Andy..." I sighed. "c'mere love" I said as I opened my arms to him.

He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. He rested his head on my shoulder, crying softly into my shirt. I wrapped my arms around him and softly pet his hair and rubbed his back.

"Why me?" He whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear him and started crying harder.

"Babe, you know I love you more than life itself. It isn't your fault that the chemicals in your brain make you depressed and anxious at times, or that you can be distant and shut yourself away. I completely understand that sometimes you just need space and time to be alone. And you aren't overly clingy. I'm more than happy to sit with you and hold you when you're feeling down or while you're crying. It breaks my heart when you cry like this. I know that sometimes hugs can help more than words, and you know I love your hugs. There's nothing I'd rather do than sit and cuddle with you weather your happy, sad, scared, or anything else. If anything, I'm the clingy one. And you are strong enough to protect me. You protect me by just being in my life. I don't know what I would do without you. You're my Saviour. And sometimes even Saviours need saving. You're my Saviour just as much as I am yours. You're the one who wrote the lyrics 'I believe that we all fall down sometimes' and just because you're falling down right now, it doesn't mean that you won't find a way to get back up. I know you will because you've done it before. If you could do it then, you can do it now. I have total faith in you and I'll be here to help you get through this. You're so much stronger than you think you are. I love you so much Andy." I said as I held him tightly.

"Y-you really mean all that?" He whispered, his voice thick from crying.

"Of course I mean it. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't. I love you so much Andy. I wouldn't be holding you right now if I didn't. I love you." I said as I kissed his cheek and hugged him tighter.

"I love you too. I'd be lost without you." He whispered. 

He was still crying, but only stray tears and sniffles. We fell into a comfortable silence and I held him in my arms until he eventually fell asleep a few minutes later. Once he was asleep, I laid us down so that he was laying on top of me with my arms wrapped around him protectively. I pulled the blanket over us and slowly drifted off to sleep.

—time skip—

I woke up about an hour later with Andy still laying on me in my arms. He was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him since I knew he really needed to sleep, so I turned the TV on a low volume and started watching some random show on Netflix. A few minutes after the show had ended, Andy started to wake up.

"Hey babe.. How are you feeling?" I asked softly as I kissed the top of his head and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Still a bit down, but a little better. Thanks for making me feel better and for always being here for me and holding me." He said.

"You don't have to thank me babe. I'm your girlfriend, it's my job to be here for you. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I wasn't? I'm glad you're feeling better." I said as I kissed his forehead.

"You always make me feel better. And your comfy too" He said and cuddled closer to me. "I love you"

"I love you too baby. I always will"

The two of us spent the rest of the day and night laying in bed and cuddling while watching movies. Andy seemed a lot better now. I'm glad he feels better. I hated seeing him so sad and depressed. I love my Batman and I wanna see him happy.


A/N: I started school at a new school this week and I really miss my old school. I miss my friends and my old teachers. At least I still have Andy with me though.

~Chloe <{~.~}>

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