71. Beautiful Remains

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I've been a bit sad lately, so I apologize for this being kinda sad.

~Chloe's POV~

As I'm walking home from school, I decide walk through the park as a shortcut. While I'm walking, I hear what sounds like someone crying. I look around and notice a boy who looks around my age sitting on one of the benches. He's sitting in a way where he's folded in on himself with his face buried in his knees.

I recognize him as Andy, the boy I've secretly had a crush on for 3 years even though we've only talked a few times. He always looks so happy in school, but now he seems so hurt and broken and all I want to do is comfort him somehow. My heart shatters more and more as I walk closer to him.

"Andy? Are you okay?" I ask softly once I'm close enough for him to hear me. He shakes his head, still hiding in his knees.

"Do you want to be alone?" He shakes his head again and cries harder, if that's even possible.

I sit down on the bench next to him and gently put my hand on his back in an attempt to give him some form of comfort. He turns towards me slightly and moves his head onto my lap, sobbing as hard as his small body would allow him to. I can feel him shaking violently with each sob he let out and my jeans are nearly soaked from his tears, making the last pieces of my heart shatter.

I start to carefully rub small circles up and down his back and occasionally petting his hair to try to soothe him in some way. I don't know what has him so worked up and upset, but I can tell that whatever it is has completely shattered his heart and left him in more pain that anyone could imagine. Seeing Andy like this is making me want to cry with him, but I can't. I need to stay strong for him.

We stay like this until he eventually calms down a bit and stops sobbing so hard. Once he's a little calmer he sits up, his hair sticking to his face and neck from the tears.

"What's wrong, Andy? You can talk to me, you know." I say as I move closer to him and carefully move the hair out of his face before rubbing is back again.

"A-a lot h-happened a-and I-I don't know h-how to deal with it a-and I'm completely a-alone." He says, sniffling as he wipes more tears away.

"You're not alone, Andy. You have me now. I'll always be here for you. You can talk to me about anything. I promise I'll listen." I say as I wrap my arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer to me.

"Anything?" He asks as he looks up at me with teary eyes. I nod.


He takes a deep breath before telling me what had happened.

"M-my dad... h-he d-died in a car crash w-while he w-was coming h-home from dropping m-me off at school t-today." He whispers.

He covers his mouth with his hand and squeezes his eyes shut as more tears fall down his face, hiding behind his hair. He's also shaking again, probably from trying to keep himself from crying again.

I instantly pull him into a hug, holding him tightly as he breaks down again and sobs into my chest.

"I-I'm so sorry, Andy." I whisper, not knowing what else to say.

"I-It was m-my fault." He cries harder, almost choking on sobs.

"Andy, I promise it wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done." I say as I hold him tighter.

"M-my mom b-blames m-me."

"She's wrong, Andy. It's not your fault. You were at school. You didn't do anything to cause this." I say.

"I-I exist. H-He's g-gone be-because I e-exist." He sobs.

My eyes start to tear up hearing him say that, but I don't let them fall.

"Andy that's not true, and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. Please don't blame yourself for this. You couldn't have stopped it." I say.

He's crying too hard to be able to say anything else, so I just hold him tightly and rub his back until he eventually calms down. He's shaking so badly that it's hard to hold him, but I still hug him the best I can.

After almost two hours of sobbing uncontrollably, he finally starts to calm down.

"She kicked me out. I'm on my own now." He whispers after he stops crying.

"You can stay with me and my brother. I'm not gonna let you live on your own." I say.

"What about your parents?" He asks.

"They're out of the picture. My brother is 22, so I live with him instead." I say.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that." He whispers sadly.

"No, it's okay. I don't mind. It was my choice. I'd rather live with my hard rocker brother that lets me do whatever than with strict Roman catholic parents who treat me like I'm 5." I laugh. Andy laughs a little too.

"Come on. Let's go to my house." I say as I pull out of the hug and stand up.

I grab Andy's hand and pull him up with me. He stands up but looks at the ground, hiding his face behind his hair which is stuck to his face again from his tears. I gently lift his face up so he's looking me in the eye and carefully brush his hair away from his face, gently rubbing his wet cheeks with my thumbs to wipe the tears off his face.

We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds, my hands still holding his face. His eyes are red and puffy from crying so much, but they're still just as beautiful.

Before I can even think, both of us lean in until our lips meet. The kiss isn't rough or lustful; it's slow and sweet. We both pull away and look into each other's eyes again.

Andy gently grabs my wrist and sees the small red heart tattoo with the letters A.B. written inside it. He moves his sleeve, revealing the same red heart but with the letters C.P. written inside.

"Are we....?" Andy asks.

"Soulmates? I think so." I respond.

"I've been trying to find you for so long. I never realized it was you. Who ever would have thought I'd find you on the worst day of my life exactly when I need you the most." Andy says as he hugs me again, burying his face in my shoulder.

"The universe works in some pretty strange ways, Andy." I say as I hug him back.

We hug for a few more minutes before pulling away and walking to my house, holding hands.

A/N: should I make a part 2?

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